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Prilagodite in Uporabite še Danes!

Če to dodelite svojim študentom, kopirajte delovni list v svoj račun in shranite. Ko ustvarjate nalogo, jo izberite kot predlogo!

Primer Grafičnega Romana

What is a Graphic Novel?

A graphic novel is a format, not a genre, of writing that uses art to tell a story. They can be fiction, nonfiction, realistic fiction, mystery, fantasy, and so much more! They can be any genre and are similar to comic books, except that they are usually stand alone stories with more intricate plots. Graphic novels use images and text to tell a story. Many people think that graphic novels and comic books are the same thing, but they are actually quite different and have their own unique qualities. Graphic novels are engaging and entertaining; they are the perfect way to teach students in a way that they don't even realize they're learning!

Examples of Popular Graphic Novels

Some graphic novels that students might be familiar with include:

What is a Graphic Novel Template?

A graphic novel template is an excellent starting point for students to start creating their stories. Our templates have all different kinds of panel patterns so that students do not have to stress over starting with a blank page and creating their own blank graphic.

Why Are Graphic Novels Important and How Are They Best Used?

Graphic novels combine both images and text to tell a cohesive story. Print and assemble multiple pages together to create a blank booklet for students to use, or have students choose different layouts for each page.

Benefits of Using Graphic Novel Templates

There are many benefits of using a Storyboard That graphic novel storyboard template, some of which include:

  • Many different patterns and layouts to choose from
  • Eliminates the need to create panels for each scene
  • Specific amount of panels already laid out for your students
  • Easy to customize or resize
  • Organization made simple!

What Can You Use Graphic Novel Templates For?

Our graphic novel templates can be used for more than just writing and illustrating a graphic novel! They can also be used for all kinds of creative classroom projects and activities, planning a story, summarizing a story, writing a comic strip, and so much more! For examples, check out how to storyboard a comic with our award-winning Storyboard Creator.

Using a Graphic Novel Template for Students

To make a graphic novel template for students, choose a template above! Once you're in the Storyboard Creator, click on each of the elements on the template to change them to fit your needs. When you're done, hit "Save & Exit"! You can print your worksheet for students to use right away, or simply keep it in your storyboard library until you are ready to use it.

Kako Narediti Predlogo Grafične Novele


Izberite eno od Vnaprej Izdelanih Predlog Grafične Novele

Na izbiro imamo toliko modelov! Oglejte si naš čudovit primer, da vidite, kaj je mogoče!


Kliknite na "Kopiraj predlogo"

Ko to storite, boste usmerjeni k ustvarjalcu snemalne knjige.


Poimenujte Svojo Predlogo Grafične Novele!

Ne pozabite ga poimenovati, kar je povezano s temo, da ga boste v prihodnje zlahka našli.


Uredite Svojo Predlogo

Tukaj lahko preuredite vse, kar želite. Ko učenci uporabljajo to predlogo digitalno, lahko dodajo slike in besedilo neposredno v predvidena mesta!


Kliknite "Shrani in zapusti"

Ko končate s svojo predlogo grafičnega romana, kliknite ta gumb v spodnjem desnem kotu, da zapustite snemalno knjigo.


Naslednji Koraki

Od tu lahko natisnete, prenesete kot PDF, priložite nalogi in uporabite digitalno in še več!

Class Activities With Graphic Novels

There are lots of ways you can integrate graphic novels into your classroom curriculum using a graphic novel design template. Here are just some of them:

  • Retell a story that students have read in an illustrated format.
  • Plan a story using sketches and text.
  • Have students create a book report in graphic novel format.
  • Practice sequencing with mixed up panels that the students have to put in orde.r
  • Provide text and have students illustrate the visuals.
  • Provide visuals and have students come up with their own text.
  • Students can write their own graphic novel!
  • Have students research a person and write their biography using a graphic novel template.

Tips for Making an Awesome Graphic Novel!

Using one of Storyboard That’s templates will surely make writing and planning your graphic novel simple and fun. Check out our suggestions for creating a masterpiece below:

  1. Choose a layout that fits your needs. Remember: you can customize one of our premade layouts to fit your needs, or leave it as is!
  2. Print your layout if you choose to sketch by hand.
  3. Map out your story using the pre-sized panels. Use pencil in case you are want to make changes!
  4. Include text bubbles and other text.
  5. Once you are finished with your draft, use a new template for your final version.
  6. Be sure to use lots of color in your final copy!

Do you want your students to create a graphic novel digitally? Simply use our state of the art storyboard creator!

How to Create a Graphic Novel with Storyboard That

To learn more about creating a graphic novel with Storyboard That, check out our informative graphic novels article written by former classroom teachers.

Other Storyboard That Templates Your Students Will Love!

Check out our vast collection of worksheet templates and poster templates! Some of our most popular include:



(text below)

Pogosta vprašanja o predlogah grafičnih romanov

Kakšne so prednosti uporabe snemalne knjige grafičnih romanov v razredu?

Uporaba snemalne knjige grafičnih romanov v razredu prinaša toliko prednosti! Tukaj je le nekaj:

  • Učencem pomaga razumeti teme in koncepte
  • Študente ohranja zainteresirane in angažirane
  • Izboljša vizualne sposobnosti in vizualni besedni zaklad
  • Dostopno za študente vseh starosti in sposobnosti

Kako uporabim predlogo grafičnega romana?

Uporaba predloge grafičnega romana Storyboard That je preprosta in zabavna. Preprosto izberite postavitev, ki jo želite uporabiti, in kliknite »kopiraj predlogo«. Pozvani boste, da poimenujete predlogo in jo prilagodite po želji. Nato preprosto shranite in zapustite ter natisnite! Natisnete lahko več strani ali samo eno!

Kako ustvarim predlogo grafičnega romana?

S toliko predlogami, med katerimi lahko izbirate, menimo, da boste našli nekaj, kar ustreza vašim potrebam! Če pa želite ustvariti svojo, preprosto pojdite na ustvarjalca snemalne knjige in kliknite gumb »postavitve« v desnem meniju. Nato izberite »delovni list« ali eno od možnosti v velikosti plakata, če želite nekaj večjega. Uporabite vzorce, oblike, slike in besedilo Storyboard That, da ustvarite lastno predlogo!

Oglejte si vse predloge delovnih listov!
Oglejte si vse Učiteljske Vire

Cene za Šole in Okrožja

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*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)čni-roman
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StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA