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Elijah of Buxton Ajalehe Esileht

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Elijah of Buxton Ajalehe Esileht
Storyboard That

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Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Uudsed Õppetegevused | Lugemistegevused

Uudne Uurimus

Liane Hicksi Juhend Õpetajatele

Kas te ei leia meie eelnevalt koostatud tunniplaanidest konkreetset raamatut? See uudne õppejuhend sisaldab hõlpsasti kasutatavaid tegevusi, mida saab kohandada mis tahes raamatu, romaani või novelli jaoks.


Uudne Uurimus

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

See tegevus võimaldab õpilastel ette kujutada, mis tunne oleks Buxtonis elada. Nad saavad uuesti jutustada mõnda raamatus aset leidnud sündmust või koostada loo, mis nende arvates võis Buxtonis aset leida, ja sellest kirjutada. Kasutades StoryboardThat , lisavad õpilased Buxton Newsi esilehe loomiseks pealkirja, pilte ja kirjeldusi!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Let Freedom Ring!
  • June 16, 1860
  • The Buxton News
  • It was a most glorious day to finally reach freedom! Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and their three children escaped from slavery in Arkansas and after a harrowing journey, arrived in Buxton today!After the bell was rung, the Taylors were invited to place their left hands on our Liberty Bell. Many ceremonies require the right hand to be placed. However, here in Buxton, we ask that our new neighbors place their left hand on our cherished liberty bell as that is the hand that is closest to one's heart.
  • Cooter Bixby deftly rang the bell 100 times to honor the Taylor Family's arrival! As per our custom, the bell rang 20 times per person. 10 to ring out their old life and 10 to ring in their new life.
  • All residents of Buxton are invited to lend their assistance to the Taylor family! They are in need of food, clothing, and lodging while they begin building their new home in Buxton. Emma Collins gave little Lucille Taylor a new doll as a kind welcome!
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