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Stvorite Scenarij Korisnika*

What is a Customer Scenario?

A customer scenario is a narrative description of a hypothetical situation in which a customer interacts with a product or service. It describes the customer's goals, motivations, behaviors, and expectations, as well as the context and environment in which the interaction takes place. Customer scenarios are often used in product design, marketing, and customer experience (CX) research to help teams understand the customer's perspective and design products and services that meet their needs.

What are the Benefits of Customer Scenarios?

There are several benefits of using customer scenarios, including:

  • Improved understanding of the customer's perspective and needs
  • Better alignment of product and service design with customer needs and expectations
  • Identification of pain points and opportunities for improvement in the customer experience
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams
  • Increased empathy and customer-centricity among team members
  • More effective testing and validation of product and service designs

What is Included in a Customer Scenario?

A typical customer scenario includes the following elements:

  1. Customer Persona: A fictional character representing the customer with specific attributes, needs, and goals.
  2. Situation or Context: A description of the circumstances that the customer is facing, such as a problem to solve or a task to complete.
  3. Task or Goal: The objective or outcome that the customer is trying to achieve.
  4. Actions and Behaviors: The steps that the customer ta
  5. kes to achieve their goal, including interactions with the product or service.
  6. Emotional and Cognitive States: The customer's feelings, thoughts, and attitudes during the interaction.
  7. Pain Points and Opportunities: The issues or challenges that the customer encounters, as well as the opportunities for improvement in the experience.

  8. How are Customer Scenarios Best Used?

    Customer scenarios are best used in a collaborative and iterative design process, where cross-functional teams can work together to understand the customer's perspective and design products and services that meet their needs. Some ways to use customer scenarios include:

    • Idea Generation: Using customer scenarios to brainstorm new product or service ideas that meet the customer's needs.
    • Design Validation: Testing and validating design concepts and prototypes with customers through scenario-based user testing.
    • Requirements Gathering: Using customer scenarios to identify and prioritize product or service requirements based on customer needs and goals.
    • Marketing and Communication: Developing marketing messages and campaigns that resonate with the customer's goals and emotions.

    5 Koraka za Stvaranje Korisničkih Scenarija


    Kupac: "Moj problem je _______"

    Prvi dio dijaloga je kupac koji vam daje do znanja problem koji ima i/ili što pokušava postići ovom interakcijom.


    Agent: “Mogu vam ponuditi _______”

    Nakon što ste čuli problem vašeg korisnika sada je vaš red da ponudite dostupno rješenje.


    Klijent: "Rješava li to moj izvorni problem?"

    Zatim će korisnik potvrditi potencijalno rješenje i povezati ga sa svojim izvornim problemom. Hoće li ovaj problem riješiti problem koji je kupac imao?


    Agent: “Objašnjenje rješenja”

    Sada će agent objasniti što rješenje koje su ponudili radi i zašto će ublažiti njihov izvorni problem. Ovo je izvrsna prilika da ubacite neke dodatne pogodnosti koje bi ovo rješenje moglo imati, a kojih kupac očito ne bi bio svjestan.


    Korisnik "Hvala - ovo će uspjeti"

    Konačno, ako će rješenje koje ste dali ublažiti korisnikov izvorni problem, oni će potvrditi rješenje i vi možete smatrati problem riješenim.

    Često postavljana pitanja o korisničkim scenarijima

    Kako kreirate scenarij klijenta?

    Da biste stvorili scenarij klijenta, počnite definiranjem osobe kupca, situacije ili konteksta, zadatka ili cilja, radnji i ponašanja, emocionalnih i kognitivnih stanja te bolnih točaka i prilika. Upotrijebite istraživanje i podatke kako biste informirali scenarij i učinili ga što je moguće realističnijim.

    Koliko korisničkih scenarija trebam?

    Broj korisničkih scenarija koji su vam potrebni ovisi o ciljevima vašeg projekta i složenosti proizvoda ili usluge. Najbolje je započeti s nekoliko ključnih scenarija koji predstavljaju najvažnije ciljeve i ponašanja kupaca i ponoviti prema potrebi.

    Kako mogu koristiti korisničke scenarije u agilnom razvoju?

    Korisnički scenariji mogu se koristiti u agilnom razvoju tako da se ugrade u korisničke priče ili korisničke epove. Oni mogu pomoći timu da razumije kupčevu perspektivu i značajke dizajna i funkcionalnosti koje zadovoljavaju njihove potrebe.

    Koliko često trebam ažurirati svoje korisničke scenarije?

    Trebali biste ažurirati svoje korisničke scenarije prema potrebi na temelju promjena u potrebama kupaca, tržišnim trendovima i ažuriranjima proizvoda ili usluga. Važno je redovito pregledavati i revidirati svoje scenarije kako biste bili sigurni da su relevantni i učinkoviti.

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*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)
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