Pregled Aktivnosti
Komunikacija je eden ključnih sestavin zdravega odnosa. Žal za najstnike to ponavadi ni njihova najmočnejša veščina. Študenti si morda težko premislijo, kaj govorijo, preden to povejo. Spreminjanje povedanega je morda težko, toda poučevanje najstnikov, kako naj povejo, kaj mislijo, je realen cilj. Eden od načinov za to je uvedba „Izjav I“.
Ko nekdo poskuša preglasiti svoje stališče in govorec reče, da "to nenehno delaš" ali "to vedno govoriš", prisili poslušalca, da se zmoti. Poslušalec nato stopi v obrambo in pogosto strelja nazaj. To ni učinkovit način komunikacije. S preprosto spremembo komunikacije do sebe "mislim ...", "čutim ..." in "hočem ..." poslušalec nato sliši, kaj njihova dejanja počnejo drugi osebi. Študentje bodo v tej dejavnosti uporabili I izjave za učinkovito komunikacijo v predvidenem scenariju. Scenarij in reševanje bi ju bilo treba dokončati, da bi zagotovili pozitiven rezultat. Edine celice, ki jih bodo študenti ustvarjali, so izjave I. Zgoraj bo knjižna kopija kopirana v vaš račun, ko kliknete »Uporabi to dodelitev«, in jo lahko prilagodite in dodate kot predlogo, da jo študenti kopirajo.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Zaključite zgodbo s primeri I Izjav z uporabo Mislim, čutim in želim.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- Celica za scenarij in ločljivost je bila narejena za vas.
- Zaključite zgodbo tako, da v treh celicah vmes ustvarite učinkovite izjave Sandre.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure and Grammar | Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes, creating an unclear understanding of content. |
I Think | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement thought. |
I Feel | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement feeling. |
I Want | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement want that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement want. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Komunikacija je eden ključnih sestavin zdravega odnosa. Žal za najstnike to ponavadi ni njihova najmočnejša veščina. Študenti si morda težko premislijo, kaj govorijo, preden to povejo. Spreminjanje povedanega je morda težko, toda poučevanje najstnikov, kako naj povejo, kaj mislijo, je realen cilj. Eden od načinov za to je uvedba „Izjav I“.
Ko nekdo poskuša preglasiti svoje stališče in govorec reče, da "to nenehno delaš" ali "to vedno govoriš", prisili poslušalca, da se zmoti. Poslušalec nato stopi v obrambo in pogosto strelja nazaj. To ni učinkovit način komunikacije. S preprosto spremembo komunikacije do sebe "mislim ...", "čutim ..." in "hočem ..." poslušalec nato sliši, kaj njihova dejanja počnejo drugi osebi. Študentje bodo v tej dejavnosti uporabili I izjave za učinkovito komunikacijo v predvidenem scenariju. Scenarij in reševanje bi ju bilo treba dokončati, da bi zagotovili pozitiven rezultat. Edine celice, ki jih bodo študenti ustvarjali, so izjave I. Zgoraj bo knjižna kopija kopirana v vaš račun, ko kliknete »Uporabi to dodelitev«, in jo lahko prilagodite in dodate kot predlogo, da jo študenti kopirajo.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Zaključite zgodbo s primeri I Izjav z uporabo Mislim, čutim in želim.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- Celica za scenarij in ločljivost je bila narejena za vas.
- Zaključite zgodbo tako, da v treh celicah vmes ustvarite učinkovite izjave Sandre.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure and Grammar | Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes, creating an unclear understanding of content. |
I Think | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement thought. |
I Feel | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement feeling. |
I Want | The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement want that should not put blame on Mike. | The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement want. |
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