Aktivity študentov pre Tragédie Hamlet, Princ Dánska
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![Hamlet William Shakespeare - Shakespearove novinové oznámenie: <i>Hamlet</i> Hamlet William Shakespeare - Shakespearove novinové oznámenie: <i>Hamlet</i>](http://cdn.storyboardthat.com/storyboard-cells/10790937/src-sets/cell-row-0-col-0-w400.png)
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![Vytvorte Film Shakespearovský Filmový Plagát pre Hamlet Hamlet Movie Poster Activity](http://cdn.storyboardthat.com/storyboard-cells/11731049/cell-row-0-col-0-w400.png)
Brief Hamlet Summary
The Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare takes place in Elsinore Castle, the home of Denmark’s royal family. A ghost resembling the recently dead King Hamlet, has been spotted walking throughout the Castle. Prince Hamlet, the late King’s son, comes to speak to the ghost. The King tells his son that he was murdered by Claudius, the King’s brother, who inherited the throne and married the queen, Gertrude. Before disappearing, the ghost orders his son to seek revenge.
Prince Hamlet, a devoted son, agrees to avenge his father’s death but is overwhelmed by the weight of the task. Hamlet has been moody and depressed since his father’s death, and now becomes manic. Claudius and Gertrude had asked two of Hamlet’s good friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on him, but even they are unable to discover the cause of Hamlet’s strange behavior.
Before long, Hamlet devises a plan to test his uncle. A group of actors have come to perform at the castle, and Hamlet instructs them to perform a scene resembling his father’s death. Horatio, one of Hamlet’s oldest friends, and the only other person who knows of the murder, agrees to watch Claudius’ reaction.
During the sequence, Claudius runs to pray. Horatio and Hamlet believe this suffices to prove his guilt. Hamlet goes after Claudius with the intent to kill him, but hesitates, and refuses to kill Claudius while in prayer.
Hamlet then confronts his mother about his father’s death and her new husband. While in her room, he hears something behind the curtain. Thinking it is Claudius, he draws his sword, stabs through the curtain. The person behind the curtain was Claudius’s chief counselor, Polonius.
Hamlet is banished to England with for accidentally killing Polonius. The King sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, along with signed orders for the King of England to kill the prince. Knowing their treachery, Hamlet switches out the letter with orders to kill Rosencrantz and Guildenstern instead. The two men are executed, and Hamlet returns to Denmark.
Back in Denmark, Polonius’s his daughter, Ophelia, who had been courting Hamlet, drowns herself in a river. Polonius’s son, Laertes, vows to avenge his father’s death, and blames Hamlet for Ophelia’s death as well. Claudius and Laertes devise a plan to kill Hamlet during a fencing match.
In the match, Hamlet scores the first point. Claudius offers him a drink from a poisoned goblet but Hamlet declines. Instead, his mother takes a drink and it kills her. Hamlet is struck by Laertes with a poisoned sword, and in a scuffle over blades, the two switch swords, and Laertes is shortly after wounded with the poison blade as well. Before he dies, Laertes confesses to Hamlet that Claudius poisoned the goblet. Hamlet stabs Claudius, and forces him to drink the rest of the poison from the goblet. Horatio attempts to drink from the poison goblet, but Hamlet orders him to stay alive to tell the tale. Fortinbras, King of Norway, arrives to find the entire royal family dead, Horatio tells him the story of what has happened, and Fortinbras takes the crown for himself.
Essential Questions For The Tragedy of Hamlet
- What decisions will I make today that will affect my life in the future?
- How would knowing what will happen after death affect the way I live?
- When is it appropriate to act on impulses, and when should care and consideration be taken?
Other Hamlet Activity Ideas
- Create storyboards that show a contrast between times Hamlet acted quickly and when he was methodical. Show how the outcomes were different.
- Depict an event from the play that, if it happened differently, would have changed the entire play.
- Create a parody or satire of the play as if it took place now with social networking! Storyboard That has the icons you need to adapt Hamlet to your favorite website!
- Depict the important parts of the famous Hamlet soliloquy, “To be, or not to be...”, in six cells.
- Add a presentation to any storyboard project to showcase your abilities! (And hit CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards!)
Ako Vysvetliť Tragédie Pomocou Storyboard That
Predstavte Tragédie
Oboznámte žiakov s pojmom tragédie pomocou opisných definícií a známych príkladov. Iný príklad ako Hamlet, ktorého si musí byť vedomý každý študent, je „Romeo a Júlia“, ktorý tiež napísal Shakespeare.
Vytvorte Šablónu Storyboardu
Poskytnite študentom šablónu storyboardu s rôznymi panelmi a bunkami, kde môžu napísať rôzne štádiá a vzory, ktoré sú bežné v tragédiách. Na zapisovanie hlavných udalostí môžu použiť aj jednu konkrétnu tragédiu, napríklad Hamleta.
Udržujte Poriadok a tok
Uistite sa, že panely logicky prechádzajú z jedného do druhého, aby sa zachovala konzistencia príbehu. Na zobrazenie toku udalostí môžu študenti spojiť panely pomocou šípok alebo čiar. Zmenou veľkosti panelov môžu študenti sprostredkovať pocit tempa.
Urobte Porovnania
Učitelia môžu tiež použiť Storyboard That, aby pomohli študentom porovnávať rôzne typy tragédií. Túto príležitosť môžu využiť aj na porovnanie tragédií s inými formami písania.
Reflektujte a Analyzujte
Na záver môžu študenti zhrnúť, čo sa naučili z vyššie uvedených aktivít a vlastnú analýzu rôznych tragédií. Môžu sa tiež pokúsiť spojiť tieto staré tragédie s moderným svetom a jeho dopadmi.
Často Kladené Otázky o Tragédii Hamleta, Princa Dánskeho
Kto je protagonista "Hamlet"?
Hlavným hrdinom je princ Hamlet, mladý následník dánskeho trónu. Je to komplikovaný človek, ktorý sa delí medzi potrebu pomsty a sklon k introspekcii. Jeho vnútorné konflikty a emocionálna cesta sú jadrom deja hry.
Ktorá línia z "Hamleta" je skutočne slávna?
Hamletov monológ v 3. dejstve, scéna 1, je miestom, kde sa nachádza klasický citát „Byť či nebyť, to je otázka“. Hamlet sa v tejto reflexívnej reči zamýšľa nad povahou existencie, utrpením životných výziev a terorom z neznámeho v smrti. Tento citát z prejavu je naozaj známy po celom svete a je výbornou témou na diskusie a debaty na hodinách.
Ktorá časť „Hamleta“ sa považuje za „hru v hre“?
Hamlet použil „hru v hre“ ako stratégiu na odhalenie viny kráľa Claudia. Hamlet hrá „Pasca na myši“, hru, ktorá pripomína udalosti smrti kráľa Hamleta. V Hamletových očiach Claudiusova reakcia na hru potvrdzuje jeho vinu.
Prečo je Hamlet často označovaný za tragického hrdinu?
Hamletov ušľachtilý pôvod, chvályhodné vlastnosti a konečný pád z milosti z neho robia tragického hrdinu. Jeho prílišné premýšľanie a váhanie sú smutnými chybami, ktoré spôsobujú tragickú smrť. Publikum cíti empatiu a katarziu, keď ho vidí bojovať a nakoniec zahynúť.
Ceny pre Školy a Okresy
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