Aktivitātes Pārskats
Ancient China Vocabulary
Starting a unit or lesson with the key vocabulary that students will see in their readings or presentations aids in overall comprehension and retention. Vocabulary is the foundation of language. Becoming acquainted with new terms, concepts and other unfamiliar ancient China vocabulary is crucial for students to have a thorough understanding of the unit. By studying, illustrating and using ancient Chinese words and their definitions students' will increase their understanding of Chinese culture, history, achievements, and geography. In this activity, students will create a storyboard that defines and illustrates vocabulary words related to the study of ancient China.
Students will preview the ancient China definitions and use whole class or small group discussion to demonstrate their understanding of each with this vocabulary builder activity on early China. Then, students will create a spider map of 3-5 terms (or more!) at the teacher's discretion. Each cell will contain a term related to ancient China, its definition, and an illustration that depicts the meaning. When students define and illustrate each term, they will master the application of it and retain it as part of their lexicon.
As an extension to this activity, teachers can have students create their own ancient China word search, crossword puzzle, or even ancient China interactive games! Additionally, check out our other ancient China lesson plans and ancient China activities, including an ancient China geography lesson. Teachers can create an ancient China vocabulary worksheets by copying one of our several worksheet templates.
The ancient China vocabulary words below are a sampling of important terms that students can use in their visual vocabulary spider maps. Students can define logograph and other vocabulary crucial to their understanding of ancient Chinese culture and achievements by creating a spider map that contains the term, its definition and an illustration. These can be printed out or displayed digitally and used as a helpful reference throughout the unit!
Ancient Chinese Words and their Definitions
- ancestor worship: honoring ancestors through rituals, such as offering food and wine to the dead
- anesthetic: something that takes away the feeling of pain
- bamboo: tall hollow stemmed grass that the Chinese used to make paper, buildings, furniture and musical instruments
- Buddhism: One of the three major religions in China, Buddhism originated in India, founded by Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) in northeastern India in the 5th century BC.
- calligraphy: the art of fine handwriting
- civil servant: a person who works for a government
- cocoon protective covering made by silkworms before they transform into moths the fibers of which are used to make silk
- compass: an instrument for determining direction
- Confucianism: based on the teachings of Kongfuxi (Confucius) a philosophy whose goal was to create a more just and peaceful society. Confucianism deeply influenced Chinese government and culture.
- dynasty: When the rule of a country is passed down to family members over a long period of time
- economy: system of managing the wealth of a country or region
- feudalism: a system of government based on landowners and tenants
- filial piety: a cornerstone of the ancient Chinese philosophies and religions of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, filial piety means the virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors.
- Forbidden City: giant palace built in the center of Beijing city by the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty
- The Great Wall: 5,500 mile long wall built along the northern border of China to keep out invaders like the Mongols to the north
- Gunpowder: an invention by the ancient Chinese that was used in fireworks and weapons.
- immortal: able to live forever
- Legalism: founded by Hanfeizi (Han-fei-tzu), legalism was a philosophy that taught that people are naturally selfish and therefore need strict laws, rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior to create a peaceful society
- lodestone: a type of iron ore that tends to align itself in a north-south direction because of Earth's magnetism
- logograph: a written character that represents a word
- maize: a type of corn
- Mandate of Heaven: a power or law believed to be granted by a god
- millet: a type of grain
- mutton: meat from sheep
- seismograph: an instrument for detecting earthquakes
- Silk Road: a trade route that ran from China to Europe and named after the Chinese export of silk.
- silt: fine particles of rock
- standardize: make the same
- Taoism or Daoism: philosophy founded by Laozi (Lao-tzu). The word Tao meaning "the Way", Taoism taught that people gained happiness and peace by living in harmony with nature
- The Three Perfections: the three most important art forms of ancient China: painting, poetry and calligraphy
- tributary: a stream that feeds into a larger river
- yang: one half of the Taoist concept of opposing forces of nature; the opposite of yin
- yin: one half of the Taoist concept of opposing forces of nature; the opposite of yang
Ancient China Vocabulary Activity
The vocabulary builder activity for early China below can be copied into your account and used with your students today! Remember every aspect of this activity can be customized to meet the needs of your students.
Veidņu un Klases Instrukcijas
(Šīs instrukcijas ir pilnībā pielāgojamas. Pēc noklikšķināšanas uz "Kopēt darbību" atjauniniet norādījumus uzdevuma cilnē Rediģēt.)
Mērķis: Lai uzzinātu vārdu nozīmi, kas saistīta ar mūsu stundu, jūs priekšskatīsit vārdu krājumu un izveidosit skriptu, kas parāda jūsu izpratni par dažādiem vārdiem.
Studentu instrukcijas:
- Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt piešķiršanu".
- Nosaukuma lodziņos norādiet galvenos izvēlētos terminus.
- Apraksta lodziņos ierakstiet termina definīciju.
- Katram vārdam izveidojiet ilustrāciju, izmantojot piemērotas ainas, rakstzīmes un priekšmetus. Lai atrastu attēlus, kas saistīti ar seno Ķīnu, meklēšanas joslā ierakstiet “Ķīna”.
- Saglabājiet un iesniedziet savu grafiku.
Prasības: Katram no tiem jābūt 3 terminiem, pareizām definīcijām un atbilstošām ilustrācijām, kas parāda jūsu izpratni par vārdiem.
Nodarbība Plāns Atsauces
(Savu varat izveidot arī Quick Rubric.)
Prasmīgs 7 Points | Parādās 4 Points | Sākums 1 Points | |
Definīcijas | Vārdnīcas vārdi ir pareizi definēti. | Vārdnīcas vārdu nozīmi var saprast, taču tā ir nedaudz neskaidra. | Vārdnīcas vārds nav skaidri definēts |
Ilustrācijas | Stāvokļa ilustrācijas skaidri attēlo vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi. | Ilustrācijas attiecas uz vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi, taču tās ir grūti saprast. | Ilustrācijas nav skaidri saistītas ar vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi. |
Pierādījumi par Piepūli | Darbs ir labi uzrakstīts un rūpīgi pārdomāts. | Darbs parāda dažus pūles pierādījumus. | Darbs rāda maz pierādījumu par jebkādām pūlēm. |
Aktivitātes Pārskats
Ancient China Vocabulary
Starting a unit or lesson with the key vocabulary that students will see in their readings or presentations aids in overall comprehension and retention. Vocabulary is the foundation of language. Becoming acquainted with new terms, concepts and other unfamiliar ancient China vocabulary is crucial for students to have a thorough understanding of the unit. By studying, illustrating and using ancient Chinese words and their definitions students' will increase their understanding of Chinese culture, history, achievements, and geography. In this activity, students will create a storyboard that defines and illustrates vocabulary words related to the study of ancient China.
Students will preview the ancient China definitions and use whole class or small group discussion to demonstrate their understanding of each with this vocabulary builder activity on early China. Then, students will create a spider map of 3-5 terms (or more!) at the teacher's discretion. Each cell will contain a term related to ancient China, its definition, and an illustration that depicts the meaning. When students define and illustrate each term, they will master the application of it and retain it as part of their lexicon.
As an extension to this activity, teachers can have students create their own ancient China word search, crossword puzzle, or even ancient China interactive games! Additionally, check out our other ancient China lesson plans and ancient China activities, including an ancient China geography lesson. Teachers can create an ancient China vocabulary worksheets by copying one of our several worksheet templates.
The ancient China vocabulary words below are a sampling of important terms that students can use in their visual vocabulary spider maps. Students can define logograph and other vocabulary crucial to their understanding of ancient Chinese culture and achievements by creating a spider map that contains the term, its definition and an illustration. These can be printed out or displayed digitally and used as a helpful reference throughout the unit!
Ancient Chinese Words and their Definitions
- ancestor worship: honoring ancestors through rituals, such as offering food and wine to the dead
- anesthetic: something that takes away the feeling of pain
- bamboo: tall hollow stemmed grass that the Chinese used to make paper, buildings, furniture and musical instruments
- Buddhism: One of the three major religions in China, Buddhism originated in India, founded by Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) in northeastern India in the 5th century BC.
- calligraphy: the art of fine handwriting
- civil servant: a person who works for a government
- cocoon protective covering made by silkworms before they transform into moths the fibers of which are used to make silk
- compass: an instrument for determining direction
- Confucianism: based on the teachings of Kongfuxi (Confucius) a philosophy whose goal was to create a more just and peaceful society. Confucianism deeply influenced Chinese government and culture.
- dynasty: When the rule of a country is passed down to family members over a long period of time
- economy: system of managing the wealth of a country or region
- feudalism: a system of government based on landowners and tenants
- filial piety: a cornerstone of the ancient Chinese philosophies and religions of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, filial piety means the virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors.
- Forbidden City: giant palace built in the center of Beijing city by the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty
- The Great Wall: 5,500 mile long wall built along the northern border of China to keep out invaders like the Mongols to the north
- Gunpowder: an invention by the ancient Chinese that was used in fireworks and weapons.
- immortal: able to live forever
- Legalism: founded by Hanfeizi (Han-fei-tzu), legalism was a philosophy that taught that people are naturally selfish and therefore need strict laws, rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior to create a peaceful society
- lodestone: a type of iron ore that tends to align itself in a north-south direction because of Earth's magnetism
- logograph: a written character that represents a word
- maize: a type of corn
- Mandate of Heaven: a power or law believed to be granted by a god
- millet: a type of grain
- mutton: meat from sheep
- seismograph: an instrument for detecting earthquakes
- Silk Road: a trade route that ran from China to Europe and named after the Chinese export of silk.
- silt: fine particles of rock
- standardize: make the same
- Taoism or Daoism: philosophy founded by Laozi (Lao-tzu). The word Tao meaning "the Way", Taoism taught that people gained happiness and peace by living in harmony with nature
- The Three Perfections: the three most important art forms of ancient China: painting, poetry and calligraphy
- tributary: a stream that feeds into a larger river
- yang: one half of the Taoist concept of opposing forces of nature; the opposite of yin
- yin: one half of the Taoist concept of opposing forces of nature; the opposite of yang
Ancient China Vocabulary Activity
The vocabulary builder activity for early China below can be copied into your account and used with your students today! Remember every aspect of this activity can be customized to meet the needs of your students.
Veidņu un Klases Instrukcijas
(Šīs instrukcijas ir pilnībā pielāgojamas. Pēc noklikšķināšanas uz "Kopēt darbību" atjauniniet norādījumus uzdevuma cilnē Rediģēt.)
Mērķis: Lai uzzinātu vārdu nozīmi, kas saistīta ar mūsu stundu, jūs priekšskatīsit vārdu krājumu un izveidosit skriptu, kas parāda jūsu izpratni par dažādiem vārdiem.
Studentu instrukcijas:
- Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt piešķiršanu".
- Nosaukuma lodziņos norādiet galvenos izvēlētos terminus.
- Apraksta lodziņos ierakstiet termina definīciju.
- Katram vārdam izveidojiet ilustrāciju, izmantojot piemērotas ainas, rakstzīmes un priekšmetus. Lai atrastu attēlus, kas saistīti ar seno Ķīnu, meklēšanas joslā ierakstiet “Ķīna”.
- Saglabājiet un iesniedziet savu grafiku.
Prasības: Katram no tiem jābūt 3 terminiem, pareizām definīcijām un atbilstošām ilustrācijām, kas parāda jūsu izpratni par vārdiem.
Nodarbība Plāns Atsauces
(Savu varat izveidot arī Quick Rubric.)
Prasmīgs 7 Points | Parādās 4 Points | Sākums 1 Points | |
Definīcijas | Vārdnīcas vārdi ir pareizi definēti. | Vārdnīcas vārdu nozīmi var saprast, taču tā ir nedaudz neskaidra. | Vārdnīcas vārds nav skaidri definēts |
Ilustrācijas | Stāvokļa ilustrācijas skaidri attēlo vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi. | Ilustrācijas attiecas uz vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi, taču tās ir grūti saprast. | Ilustrācijas nav skaidri saistītas ar vārdu krājuma vārdu nozīmi. |
Pierādījumi par Piepūli | Darbs ir labi uzrakstīts un rūpīgi pārdomāts. | Darbs parāda dažus pūles pierādījumus. | Darbs rāda maz pierādījumu par jebkādām pūlēm. |
Kā Atšķirt Vārdu Krājumu Zirnekļa Kartes
Sniedziet Studentiem Noteikumu Sarakstu, no Kuriem Izvēlēties
Pirms viņi sāk savu zirnekļa karti, sniedziet studentiem vārdu krājuma terminu sarakstu, no kuriem izvēlēties. Tas ietaupīs laiku, kad būs jāizlemj, kuru terminoloģiju iekļaut.
Iekļaujiet Noteikumus Virsrakstu Lodziņās
Dažiem studentiem būs noderīgi, ja vārdi viņiem jau ir izvēlēti. Skolotāji var iekļaut vārdus iepriekš sagatavotajā veidnē, un skolēni definēs un ilustrēs.
Iekļaujiet Definīcijas Apraksta Lodziņās
Studentiem, kuri cīnās ar lasīšanu, definīcijas sniegšana un tikai ilustrācija ir lieliska iespēja. Tas ļauj viņiem vizuālā veidā parādīt savu izpratni.
Pievienojiet Vairāk Šūnu
Tiem studentiem, kuri vēlas vai kuriem ir nepieciešams papildu izaicinājums, pievienojiet veidni ar vairākām šūnām! Jo vairāk vārdu viņi var definēt, jo vairāk viņi mācās un saglabā.
Bieži uzdotie jautājumi par Senās Ķīnas vārdnīcu
Kā vārdu krājums ietekmē izpratni?
Mācoties par jaunām vietām, cilvēkiem un vēsturiskiem notikumiem sociālajās zinībās, piemēram, seno Ķīnu, skolēni sastopas ar daudziem jauniem un nepazīstamiem vārdiem. Jauna vārdu krājuma apguve ir atslēga lasīšanas izpratnes palielināšanai. Studenti nevar saprast, ko viņi lasa vai mācās, ja viņi nezina, ko nozīmē lielākā daļa vārdu. Skaidras instrukcijas par vārdu krājumu ir būtiskas, lai attīstītu pilnīgu izpratni par jaunām sociālo zinātņu koncepcijām.
Kā skolotāji var palīdzēt skolēniem apgūt vārdu krājumu?
Vārdu krājuma attīstība ir visu priekšmetu pamats un īpaši svarīga sociālajās zinībās. Studenti iegūst jaunu vārdu krājumu, saskaroties ar valodu no dažādiem lasāmmateriāliem, diskusijām un prezentācijām. Ir arī izdevīgi priekšskatīt jaunus terminus un jēdzienus, ar kuriem skolēni saskarsies, un skaidri mācīt savas definīcijas. Lielākā daļa studentu ir vizuāli apmācāmi, un, izmantojot vizuālo vārdu krājuma scenārijus, viņi palīdzēs saglabāt informāciju turpmākajām lietojumprogrammām.
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