Pregled Aktivnosti
Mogućnost prepoznavanja nezdravih odnosa studentima se može činiti laganom stvari dok se ne nađu žrtvom. Budući da je žrtva manipulacije, netko tjera na slijepce i opravdava se. Čak se mogu osjećati krivima i krivim za izazivanje agresorskog ponašanja. Imati studente da stvaraju ciljeve i očekivanja za odnose dobra je preventivna mjera da postanete žrtva.
U ovoj će aktivnosti učenici stvoriti zdrav i nezdrav scenarij odnosa za tri različita iskustva . Gornji primjer prikazuje različite parove na sastanku, koji prolaze kroz krizu i svakodnevno doživljavaju nešto što se događa s tinejdžerima. Studente se potiče da razvijaju vlastite scenarije, ali vi možete izmijeniti aktivnost pružajući nekoliko scenarija koje studenti mogu odabrati.
Pitati studente da koriste različite znakove za svaki odnos pomoći će u poticanju novih ideja bez da jedna osoba postane žrtva u svakoj situaciji. Uz to, omogućuje učenicima da razumiju da bilo tko može biti žrtva ili agresor. Važno je da učenici u bilo kojoj situaciji ne stvaraju sebe ili svoje vršnjake kao žrtvu ili agresora.
Upute o Predlošku i Klasi
(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)
Upute za studente
Napravite slikovnicu s tri primjera scenarija zdravih i nezdravih odnosa.
- Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
- Navedite stupce "Zdravi" i "Nezdrav".
- Brainstorm tri scenarija s kojima se ljudi mogu suočiti tijekom odnosa i na odgovarajući način označiti red.
- Stvorite tri scenarija u stupcu "Zdravi" pozitivnih ciljeva ili očekivanja koristeći kombinaciju odgovarajućih scena, likova i predmeta škole.
- Usporedite tri zdrava primjera s tri nezdrava primjera koristeći iste scenarije.
- Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.
Referentni Plan Lekcije
(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | There are column titles indicating examples of healthy and unhealthy relationships. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell. | The column titles do not clearly indicate which relationship is healthy and unhealthy or the titles on the rows do not indicate the theme of the cells. | The column titles do not clearly indicate which relationship is healthy and unhealthy and the titles on the rows do not indicate the theme of the cells. |
Healthy Relationships | All three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. The healthy relationships are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | Two of the three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. Two of the healthy relationship examples are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | One to none of the cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. The healthy relationship examples did not depict what was discussed in class. |
Unhealthy Relationships | All three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. The unhealthy relationships are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | Two of the three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. Two of the unhealthy relationship examples are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | One to none of the cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. The unhealthy relationship examples did not depict what was discussed in class. |
Use of Convections | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy relationship verbal cues. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Mogućnost prepoznavanja nezdravih odnosa studentima se može činiti laganom stvari dok se ne nađu žrtvom. Budući da je žrtva manipulacije, netko tjera na slijepce i opravdava se. Čak se mogu osjećati krivima i krivim za izazivanje agresorskog ponašanja. Imati studente da stvaraju ciljeve i očekivanja za odnose dobra je preventivna mjera da postanete žrtva.
U ovoj će aktivnosti učenici stvoriti zdrav i nezdrav scenarij odnosa za tri različita iskustva . Gornji primjer prikazuje različite parove na sastanku, koji prolaze kroz krizu i svakodnevno doživljavaju nešto što se događa s tinejdžerima. Studente se potiče da razvijaju vlastite scenarije, ali vi možete izmijeniti aktivnost pružajući nekoliko scenarija koje studenti mogu odabrati.
Pitati studente da koriste različite znakove za svaki odnos pomoći će u poticanju novih ideja bez da jedna osoba postane žrtva u svakoj situaciji. Uz to, omogućuje učenicima da razumiju da bilo tko može biti žrtva ili agresor. Važno je da učenici u bilo kojoj situaciji ne stvaraju sebe ili svoje vršnjake kao žrtvu ili agresora.
Upute o Predlošku i Klasi
(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)
Upute za studente
Napravite slikovnicu s tri primjera scenarija zdravih i nezdravih odnosa.
- Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
- Navedite stupce "Zdravi" i "Nezdrav".
- Brainstorm tri scenarija s kojima se ljudi mogu suočiti tijekom odnosa i na odgovarajući način označiti red.
- Stvorite tri scenarija u stupcu "Zdravi" pozitivnih ciljeva ili očekivanja koristeći kombinaciju odgovarajućih scena, likova i predmeta škole.
- Usporedite tri zdrava primjera s tri nezdrava primjera koristeći iste scenarije.
- Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.
Referentni Plan Lekcije
(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | There are column titles indicating examples of healthy and unhealthy relationships. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell. | The column titles do not clearly indicate which relationship is healthy and unhealthy or the titles on the rows do not indicate the theme of the cells. | The column titles do not clearly indicate which relationship is healthy and unhealthy and the titles on the rows do not indicate the theme of the cells. |
Healthy Relationships | All three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. The healthy relationships are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | Two of the three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. Two of the healthy relationship examples are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | One to none of the cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of healthy relationship scenarios. The healthy relationship examples did not depict what was discussed in class. |
Unhealthy Relationships | All three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. The unhealthy relationships are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | Two of the three cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. Two of the unhealthy relationship examples are accurate visual depictions of what was discussed in class. | One to none of the cells used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of unhealthy relationship scenarios. The unhealthy relationship examples did not depict what was discussed in class. |
Use of Convections | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy relationship verbal cues. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Više Storyboard That Aktivnosti
Nezdravih Odnosa
Ova Aktivnost je dio Mnogih Vodiča za Učitelje
Cijene za Škole i Okruge
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a