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The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a fascinating story with the age-old moral to be careful what you wish for. The novella features interesting characters, rich themes, and intense conflict to tell the story of what happens when your biggest wish comes true.

Õpilaste tegevused saidil Pearl

The Pearl Summary

The novella takes place in a remote seaside village where a young family of three live: Kino, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito. Although they are poor, the family lives a relatively happy life until one day, Coyotito is bitten by a scorpion and his life is threatened. His parents take him to the doctor; however, they are turned away because they do not have payment for his treatment. To remedy this, his father Kino takes their canoe out in search of a pearl that he can sell to pay the doctor.

At home, Juana prays that her husband will find a pearl bigger than any other and her prayers are answered. Kino finds such a large pearl that it attracts attention from all of the villagers. With this large pearl he begins to dream and brag about what he will do with the money. Eventually, the doctor returns and treats Coyotito, and says he will return in an hour. In the meantime, Coyotito grows more ill, prompting Kino to bury the pearl in the corner of the home. When the doctor returns he is able to administer more medicine to help Coyotito. When he is questioning Kino about the pearl, Kino glances to its secret burial place. Knowing he possibly gave its position away, he reburies the pearl under his sleeping mat after the doctor leaves. Kino’s instincts were correct, that night an intruder comes in (presumably the doctor) looking in the corner for the pearl and Kino fights off the intruder.

Instances and incidents like this become frequent, and Kino’s brother, Juan Tomas, warns Kino that all the dealers are in cahoots to underbid him on the pearl. Kino thus decides that they should go to the capital to sell the pearl. Uneasy about the pearl and the negative attention it is bringing onto the family, Juana tries to steal the pearl and dispose of it. When Kino catches her, he beats her badly and leaves her bloodied on the beach. When he returns home he is met by a group of men who attempt to rob him of the pearl. In the scuffle he drops the pearl, which Juana finds on her way back to the house. Seeing her husband distraught over the loss of the pearl and laying next to a dead man, she gives the pearl back to him. Fearing even more danger, Juana warns Kino that he will now be labeled a murderer and that the pearl is bad luck.

The two inevitably decide they must leave. Juana decides to go home to gather their belongings while Kino goes to ready the canoe. However, they are each met with disaster: Kino finds the canoe destroyed and Juana finds the house has been set on fire. Narrowly escaping, the family hides at Juan Tomas's house until it is safe to leave for the capital to sell the pearl.

After days have passed, the three leave to travel up the mountain to get to the capital city. Kino realizes that they are being followed and they sprint up to a cave where Juana and Coyotito hide. Kino then tries to create diversions for the trackers in the form of false trails. When he finally finds them he attempts to attack them. Yet, at the same moment Coyotito and a gunshot are heard. After Kino kills the trackers and rushes back to the cave, he finds that his son has been shot.

Carrying their dead child, they emerge from the mountain back at their village, where the community silently looks on. Kino then takes the pearl and throws it as hard as he can back into the ocean.

Essential Questions for The Pearl

  1. Why is money often seen as evil throughout literature?
  2. What shapes a person's life more; fate or free will?
  3. What real life lessons do we learn from literature?

Kuidas Selgitada Pärlit Noorematele Õpilastele


Esitage Sissejuhatus ja Kontekst

Alustage õppetundi, selgitades keskkonda, mis on väike mereäärne kogukond, kus asuvad Kino, Juana ja Coyotito. Tutvustage kolme peamist tegelast Kino (peategelane), Juana ja Coyotito. Hilisemate arutelude jaoks paluge õpilastel esmalt tutvuda olustiku ja tegelastega.


Arutage Ahnuse ja Uhkuse Teemasid

Õpilased saavad mõtiskleda mitmel loos esineval teemal. Ahnus on loo oluline osa ja paljud tegelased peavad pärast pärli varastada või sellest rohkem raha saamist silmitsi seisma oma tegude tagajärgedega. Õpetajad saavad rääkida headest ja halbadest moraaliväärtustest ning sellest, kuidas õpilased saavad seda teavet oma igapäevaelus kasutada.


Ühendage Teiste Lugudega

Noorematele õpilastele on uurimiseks ja mõistmiseks saadaval palju lugusid uhkuse ja ahnuse kohta. Nende lugude moraaliõpetused on peamiselt “Ahnus on needus” või “Uhkus on langenud”. Õpilased saavad neid vanu jutte eelnevalt uurida, et nad saaksid teemadega paremini tuttavaks ja saaksid loo sündmustest paremini aru.


Tehke Loominguline Tegevus

Paluge õpilastel visandada pilt Kinost ja tema perest või koostada lühikiri Kinolt oma pojale Coyotitole, mis on narratiiviga seotud põhiline kirjutamis- või joonistusprojekt. Mõjukate loominguliste harjutuste tegemine aitab õpilastel lugu ja tegelasi paremini mõista.


Edendada Uudishimu

Julgustage õpilasi olema uudishimulikud ja esitama küsimusi, mis neile pähe tulevad. Õpetajad saavad igale küsimusele vastuse viisakalt selgitada, et õpilastel oleks mugav oma segadust arutada ja nad ei kõhkleks abi palumast.

Korduma Kippuvad Küsimused Pärli Kohta, Autor John Steinbeck

Millist rolli mängib pärl narratiivis?

Pärl on lootuse ja ahnuse esindus. See kujutab Kino lootust oma pere paremale tulevikule. Kuid süžee arenedes muutub see Kino ja tema pere jaoks tragöödia allikaks.

Kuidas naabruskond reageeris sellele, et Kino pärli leidis?

Inimesed on Kino leidmise peale kadedad, sest sellist pärlit polnud külas keegi varem näinud. Tasapisi muutub see kadedus ahnuks ja kõik püüavad seda pärli ära võtta, mis toob kaasa palju tragöödiaid.

Mis on loo moraal?

Loo moraal vihjab lugejatele, et inimene ei peaks rohkem küsima ja jääma alati alandlikuks ka pärast suurima õnnistuse saamist. Näeme, et Kino, kes üritas oma last päästa, kaotas ta lõpuks sama pärli tõttu, mille ta oma elu päästmiseks leidis. Lugu pakub ka õppetunde ahnuse, kiirustamise ja selles maailmas ellujäämise karmi reaalsuse kohta.

Vaadake Kõiki Õpetaja Ressursse

Koolide ja Piirkondade Hinnakujundus

Kooli Tutvustuspakkumine
  • 1 Kool
  • 5 õpetajat üheks aastaks
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