  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb
Pregled Dejavnosti
Predloga in Navodila za Razred
Pregled Dejavnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Večina zdravil spada v eno ali več teh glavnih kategorij zdravil: stimulansi, depresivi in halucinogeni. Marihuana je zdravilo, ki ga lahko uvrščamo med depresive in halucinogene.

Učence prosite, naj ustvarijo vizualni učinek stimulansa, depresive in halucinogenega učinka ter opišite, kaj zdravilo naredi telesu . Z vprašanjem študentov, da ustvarijo posebne primere drog, in zahtevajo, da navedejo dolgoročne učinke nadaljnje uporabe, je lahko dober način za okrepitev negativnih posledic uživanja drog. Spremljanje, kaj študenti proizvajajo, medtem ko delajo, je ključno za ustrezno vsebinsko šolo.

Zdravila, ki spadajo pod kategorijo stimulansov, bodo ob vnosu v telo pospešila centralni živčni sistem. Učinki vključujejo povišan srčni utrip, povečano budnost ali energijo, zmanjšan apetit in možno nespečnost.

Primeri stimulansov so:

  • Tobak (nikotin)
  • Kofein
  • Kokain
  • Amfetamini
  • Metamfetamin
  • Adderall / Ritalin

Znano je, da depresivi upočasnjujejo centralni živčni sistem. Nekateri učinki na telo vključujejo znižanje srčnega utripa, otrplost, znižanje reakcijskega časa in oslabljeno koordinacijo.

Primeri depresivov so:

  • Alkohol
  • Marihuana
  • Heroin
  • Zdravilo za spanje
  • Opioidi na recept / narkotiki
    • Kodein
    • Xanax
    • Fentanil
    • Metadon

Halucinogene snovi spremenijo nekoga perspektive svetlobe, okusa, sluha in vida, obenem pa lahko povzročijo halucinacije. Ti učinki na telo naredijo halucinogene priljubljene na glasbenih prireditvah.

Primeri halucinogenov vključujejo:

  • LSD
  • PCP
  • Ekstazi / Molly
  • Psilocibin (gobe)
  • Marihuana

Predloga in Navodila za Razred Accordion Arrow

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvarite knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje različne učinke zdravil na telo.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. V naslovnih poljih naštejte tri glavne kategorije drog.
  3. V opisnem polju pod celico naštejte tri kratkoročne učinke in en dolgoročen učinek, ki ga ima vsako zdravilo na telo.
  4. S pomočjo kombinacije ustreznih prizorov, likov in predmetov ponazorite učinek zdravila na telo v celici. Ne upodabljajte dejanske uporabe zdravila.
  5. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Three Main Drug Categories
Students will create a storyboard that visualizes the three main drug categories and the effects on the body.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
A three cell storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body.
A three cell storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a stimulant. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a stimulant. The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a stimulant drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a depressant. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a depressant.The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a depressant drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a hallucinogenic. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a hallucinogenic.The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a hallucinogenic drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Večina zdravil spada v eno ali več teh glavnih kategorij zdravil: stimulansi, depresivi in halucinogeni. Marihuana je zdravilo, ki ga lahko uvrščamo med depresive in halucinogene.

Učence prosite, naj ustvarijo vizualni učinek stimulansa, depresive in halucinogenega učinka ter opišite, kaj zdravilo naredi telesu . Z vprašanjem študentov, da ustvarijo posebne primere drog, in zahtevajo, da navedejo dolgoročne učinke nadaljnje uporabe, je lahko dober način za okrepitev negativnih posledic uživanja drog. Spremljanje, kaj študenti proizvajajo, medtem ko delajo, je ključno za ustrezno vsebinsko šolo.

Zdravila, ki spadajo pod kategorijo stimulansov, bodo ob vnosu v telo pospešila centralni živčni sistem. Učinki vključujejo povišan srčni utrip, povečano budnost ali energijo, zmanjšan apetit in možno nespečnost.

Primeri stimulansov so:

  • Tobak (nikotin)
  • Kofein
  • Kokain
  • Amfetamini
  • Metamfetamin
  • Adderall / Ritalin

Znano je, da depresivi upočasnjujejo centralni živčni sistem. Nekateri učinki na telo vključujejo znižanje srčnega utripa, otrplost, znižanje reakcijskega časa in oslabljeno koordinacijo.

Primeri depresivov so:

  • Alkohol
  • Marihuana
  • Heroin
  • Zdravilo za spanje
  • Opioidi na recept / narkotiki
    • Kodein
    • Xanax
    • Fentanil
    • Metadon

Halucinogene snovi spremenijo nekoga perspektive svetlobe, okusa, sluha in vida, obenem pa lahko povzročijo halucinacije. Ti učinki na telo naredijo halucinogene priljubljene na glasbenih prireditvah.

Primeri halucinogenov vključujejo:

  • LSD
  • PCP
  • Ekstazi / Molly
  • Psilocibin (gobe)
  • Marihuana

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvarite knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje različne učinke zdravil na telo.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. V naslovnih poljih naštejte tri glavne kategorije drog.
  3. V opisnem polju pod celico naštejte tri kratkoročne učinke in en dolgoročen učinek, ki ga ima vsako zdravilo na telo.
  4. S pomočjo kombinacije ustreznih prizorov, likov in predmetov ponazorite učinek zdravila na telo v celici. Ne upodabljajte dejanske uporabe zdravila.
  5. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Three Main Drug Categories
Students will create a storyboard that visualizes the three main drug categories and the effects on the body.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
A three cell storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body.
A three cell storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a stimulant. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a stimulant. The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a stimulant drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a depressant. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a depressant.The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a depressant drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.
The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a hallucinogenic. The description includes three correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a drug classified as a hallucinogenic.The description includes two correct examples of short term effects and one example of a long term effect on the body.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depicted a hallucinogenic drug. The description includes two or more incorrect examples of the drugs effect on the body.

Učitelji in učenci nas imajo radi

Cene za Šole in Okrožja

Uvodna Šolska Ponudba
  • 1 Šola
  • 5 učiteljev za eno leto
  • 1 ura virtualne PD

30-dnevna garancija vračila denarja • Samo nove stranke • Polna cena po predstavitveni ponudbi • Dostop velja za 1 koledarsko leto

*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)
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