  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb
Pregled Dejavnosti
Predloga in Navodila za Razred
Pregled Dejavnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Študenti bi se morali naučiti prepoznati vpliv nizkih ravni dopamina v možganih, ki so ga povišale droge. Ta nizka vrednost je glavni vzrok za ponavljajoče se uživanje drog. Da bi ta koncept naredili čim bolj odmeven, je pomembno govoriti o tem, kako deluje sistem za nagrajevanje možganov in kako ga droge spreminjajo.

V tej dejavnosti bodo študenti primerjali učinek dopamina v "naravnem visokem", kot je vadba, druženje itd. Z dopaminskim učinkom zdravila. Čeprav je predstavljeni primer te dejavnosti mogoče uporabiti kot izobraževalni diagram za učence, je koristno, da najprej ustvarijo svoj lastni! Študenti bodo ustvarili grafikon, s katerim bodo primerjali učinek dopamina, skupaj z vizualnim, da si bodo lažje zapomnili.

To dejavnost lahko prilagodite študentom, ki jih lahko opravijo po razpravi pri pouku ali za tiste, ki potrebujejo dodatne odre. Če pustite prazne celice „visoke“ in „nizke“, bodo študenti pomagali ustvariti povezavo z vsebino. Ali pa odstranite črto na grafu in osvetlite možgane. Kar bo učitelj izbral za dodajanje ali odstranjevanje, bo odvisno od tega, kaj si bodo učenci želeli zapomniti in vaditi.

Predloga in Navodila za Razred Accordion Arrow

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvarite knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje razlike v ravni naravnih dopaminov in zdravil.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Vrstice označite z Drug in Natural.
  3. Označite stolpce z visokim, visokim, udarnim, nizkim in nizkim vplivom.
  4. V celicah "Visoko" ustvarite primer naravnega mleka in zdravilo, ki je vplivalo na visoko.
  5. Izpolnite stolpec, ki prikazuje natančno raven dopamina za naravno veliko in zlorabo drog, hkrati pa poudarja del prizadetih možganov.
  6. V celicah 'Nizko' ustvarite primer naravnega nizkega in nizko vpliva droga.
  7. Izpolnite vrsticni graf, ki prikazuje natančne ravni dopamina za naravno in zlorabo drog. Označite del prizadetih možganov.
  8. V opisih pojasnite, kaj se dogaja v vsaki celici
  9. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Drop of Dopamine
Students will create a storyboard that shows the impact of drug use and dopamine levels.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text . The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
High Impact
The student was able to show the accurate levels of dopamine released in the brain for a natural high and a drug fueled high. The proper section of the brain has been highlighted. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student was able to show the accurate levels of dopamine released in the brain for a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student created inaccurate levels of dopamine for natural high and a drug fueled high. The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural low and low from the absence of drugs. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural low and low from the absence of drugs. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text . The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
Low Impact
The student was able to show the accurate drop of dopamine in the brain for a natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The proper section of the brain has been highlighted. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student was able to show the accurate drop of dopamine in the brain for a natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student created inaccurate levels of dopamine for natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes, creating an unclear understanding of content.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Študenti bi se morali naučiti prepoznati vpliv nizkih ravni dopamina v možganih, ki so ga povišale droge. Ta nizka vrednost je glavni vzrok za ponavljajoče se uživanje drog. Da bi ta koncept naredili čim bolj odmeven, je pomembno govoriti o tem, kako deluje sistem za nagrajevanje možganov in kako ga droge spreminjajo.

V tej dejavnosti bodo študenti primerjali učinek dopamina v "naravnem visokem", kot je vadba, druženje itd. Z dopaminskim učinkom zdravila. Čeprav je predstavljeni primer te dejavnosti mogoče uporabiti kot izobraževalni diagram za učence, je koristno, da najprej ustvarijo svoj lastni! Študenti bodo ustvarili grafikon, s katerim bodo primerjali učinek dopamina, skupaj z vizualnim, da si bodo lažje zapomnili.

To dejavnost lahko prilagodite študentom, ki jih lahko opravijo po razpravi pri pouku ali za tiste, ki potrebujejo dodatne odre. Če pustite prazne celice „visoke“ in „nizke“, bodo študenti pomagali ustvariti povezavo z vsebino. Ali pa odstranite črto na grafu in osvetlite možgane. Kar bo učitelj izbral za dodajanje ali odstranjevanje, bo odvisno od tega, kaj si bodo učenci želeli zapomniti in vaditi.

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvarite knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje razlike v ravni naravnih dopaminov in zdravil.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Vrstice označite z Drug in Natural.
  3. Označite stolpce z visokim, visokim, udarnim, nizkim in nizkim vplivom.
  4. V celicah "Visoko" ustvarite primer naravnega mleka in zdravilo, ki je vplivalo na visoko.
  5. Izpolnite stolpec, ki prikazuje natančno raven dopamina za naravno veliko in zlorabo drog, hkrati pa poudarja del prizadetih možganov.
  6. V celicah 'Nizko' ustvarite primer naravnega nizkega in nizko vpliva droga.
  7. Izpolnite vrsticni graf, ki prikazuje natančne ravni dopamina za naravno in zlorabo drog. Označite del prizadetih možganov.
  8. V opisih pojasnite, kaj se dogaja v vsaki celici
  9. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Drop of Dopamine
Students will create a storyboard that shows the impact of drug use and dopamine levels.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text . The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
High Impact
The student was able to show the accurate levels of dopamine released in the brain for a natural high and a drug fueled high. The proper section of the brain has been highlighted. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student was able to show the accurate levels of dopamine released in the brain for a natural high and a drug fueled high. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student created inaccurate levels of dopamine for natural high and a drug fueled high. The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural low and low from the absence of drugs. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey someone experiencing a natural low and low from the absence of drugs. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text . The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
Low Impact
The student was able to show the accurate drop of dopamine in the brain for a natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The proper section of the brain has been highlighted. The description effectively describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student was able to show the accurate drop of dopamine in the brain for a natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The description describes what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
The student created inaccurate levels of dopamine for natural low and a low experienced with the lack of a drug. The description fails to describe what is happening in the cell in relation with dopamine.
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes, creating an unclear understanding of content.

Učitelji in učenci nas imajo radi

Cene za Šole in Okrožja

Uvodna Šolska Ponudba
  • 1 Šola
  • 5 učiteljev za eno leto
  • 1 ura virtualne PD

30-dnevna garancija vračila denarja • Samo nove stranke • Polna cena po predstavitveni ponudbi • Dostop velja za 1 koledarsko leto

*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Vse pravice pridržane.
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