Pregled Dejavnosti
Predloga in Navodila za Razred
Pregled Dejavnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Motenje prehranjevanja ni izbira. Motnja prehranjevanja je mehanizem obvladovanja, ki se uporablja, ko nekdo izgubi nadzor nad različnimi vidiki svojega življenja. Ko ljudje v svojem življenju nimajo nadzora nad vidiki, si bodo prizadevali, da bi spet obvladali občutek nadzora. Ne morejo nadzorovati šolskih nalog, starševskih pričakovanj ali svojega urnika. Ena stvar, ki jo lahko nadzorujejo, je njihova teža. Ta občutek za nadzor nad nečim je lahko njihov način soočanja z drugimi stresorji. Poučevanje zdravih veščin obvladovanja bo pomagalo razbremeniti pritisk za nadzor.

Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti ustvarili zgodbo s sliko, ki prikazuje nezdravo in zdravo strategijo za spopadanje z neobvladljivimi stresorji. Študente prosite, da se lovijo možganov, ki jih stresno poudarijo. Nato jih prosite, naj razmislijo o različnih načinih, kako lahko na bolj zdrav način lajšajo stres. Poslušanje glasbe, druženje, določanje prednosti njihovega časa, sprostitev ali telesna aktivnost so odgovori, ki jih morda slišite. Študentje pokažejo, kako lahko motnja prehranjevanja le začasno sprosti stres, hkrati pa povzroči več drugih težav, je glavni cilj te dejavnosti. Študente je treba paziti, da ne ustvarjajo motečih prizorov, ki bi lahko bili sprožilec sebi ali drugim.

Predloga in Navodila za Razred Accordion Arrow

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Pokažite svoje razumevanje, kako se ljudje, ki trpijo zaradi prehranjevalne motnje, negativno prilagajajo stresu.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Omislite si tri vsakodnevne stresorje. Glavni junaki ne smejo biti pod nadzorom.
  3. V prvi celici vsake vrstice ustvarite sliko teh stresorjev, vključno z naslovom teme (vrstica) in nalepko (stolpec).
  4. V drugi celici vsake vrstice ustvarite vizualno vsebino osebe, ki uporablja motnjo hranjenja kot način za obvladovanje stresa, medtem ko jo označite z »Nezdravi kos«. Poskrbite, da v šoli uporabite ustrezne vsebine.
  5. Nato v tretjem stolpcu ustvarite zdravo strategijo obvladovanja z oznako »Zdravo soočanje«.
  6. Na koncu vključite kratek opis pod vsako celico in razložite, kaj se dogaja s stresorjem, zakaj je nezdravo obvladovanje nevarno, in podrobneje o zdravem obvladovanju.
  7. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Motenje prehranjevanja ni izbira. Motnja prehranjevanja je mehanizem obvladovanja, ki se uporablja, ko nekdo izgubi nadzor nad različnimi vidiki svojega življenja. Ko ljudje v svojem življenju nimajo nadzora nad vidiki, si bodo prizadevali, da bi spet obvladali občutek nadzora. Ne morejo nadzorovati šolskih nalog, starševskih pričakovanj ali svojega urnika. Ena stvar, ki jo lahko nadzorujejo, je njihova teža. Ta občutek za nadzor nad nečim je lahko njihov način soočanja z drugimi stresorji. Poučevanje zdravih veščin obvladovanja bo pomagalo razbremeniti pritisk za nadzor.

Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti ustvarili zgodbo s sliko, ki prikazuje nezdravo in zdravo strategijo za spopadanje z neobvladljivimi stresorji. Študente prosite, da se lovijo možganov, ki jih stresno poudarijo. Nato jih prosite, naj razmislijo o različnih načinih, kako lahko na bolj zdrav način lajšajo stres. Poslušanje glasbe, druženje, določanje prednosti njihovega časa, sprostitev ali telesna aktivnost so odgovori, ki jih morda slišite. Študentje pokažejo, kako lahko motnja prehranjevanja le začasno sprosti stres, hkrati pa povzroči več drugih težav, je glavni cilj te dejavnosti. Študente je treba paziti, da ne ustvarjajo motečih prizorov, ki bi lahko bili sprožilec sebi ali drugim.

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Pokažite svoje razumevanje, kako se ljudje, ki trpijo zaradi prehranjevalne motnje, negativno prilagajajo stresu.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Omislite si tri vsakodnevne stresorje. Glavni junaki ne smejo biti pod nadzorom.
  3. V prvi celici vsake vrstice ustvarite sliko teh stresorjev, vključno z naslovom teme (vrstica) in nalepko (stolpec).
  4. V drugi celici vsake vrstice ustvarite vizualno vsebino osebe, ki uporablja motnjo hranjenja kot način za obvladovanje stresa, medtem ko jo označite z »Nezdravi kos«. Poskrbite, da v šoli uporabite ustrezne vsebine.
  5. Nato v tretjem stolpcu ustvarite zdravo strategijo obvladovanja z oznako »Zdravo soočanje«.
  6. Na koncu vključite kratek opis pod vsako celico in razložite, kaj se dogaja s stresorjem, zakaj je nezdravo obvladovanje nevarno, in podrobneje o zdravem obvladovanju.
  7. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

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Uvodna Šolska Ponudba

SAMO 500 $

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*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)čanja
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StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA