«Долгий путь вниз» — это высоко оцененный роман для молодежи, остроумно написанный ярким свободным стихом. Это мощная история о молодом человеке по имени Уилл Холломан, который столкнулся с решением, которое изменило его жизнь. Привлекайте учащихся готовыми заданиями Storyboard That!
Попросите учащихся установить связь между текстом и собой с произведением Джейсона Рейнольдса «Долгий путь вниз».
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QUOTE from LONG WAY DOWN by Jason Reynolds
Grieving the loss of his favorite and only brother Shawn, Will decides to seek revenge on Shawn's killer. He takes Shawn's gun and as he descends the long way down to the lobby, he meets people from different parts of his life. One of the people is Dani, his childhood friend. When Dani and Will were playing at the park, Dani was tragically killed by a drive-by shooting. She was only 8. When Will tells Dani his plan to avenge his brother, she asks him the poignant question, "What if you miss?", sowing a seed of doubt into his plan.
What if you miss?
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