Mal og Klasseinstruksjoner
Aktivitetsoversikt Accordion Arrow


Elever kan dvele for mye ved hva de bør forbedre, hvordan de bør se ut eller hvordan de bør kle seg. Tenåringer er sårbare for mediepåvirkning, og dessverre er media fylt med metoder for å rive ned kroppsbildet. Elever som allerede opplever forvrengte kroppsbilder blir lett og sterkt påvirket. Hvis tenåringer kan fokusere på hvem de er og hva de liker med seg selv, er de kanskje ikke så utsatt for å gå til ytterligheter for å endre det. I disse SEL-aktivitetene vil studentene fokusere på hva deres evner er i stedet for deres utseende.

Etter at elevene har fullført arbeidet kan du henge dem inn på tavlen eller veggen i klasserommet. Å ha et overveldende antall positive bilder vil bidra til å skape et mer kroppsvennlig miljø. Noen elever ser sjelden en vegg av positivitet. I tillegg kan eksempler som kommer fra jevnaldrende også bety mer i motsetning til noe som er laget av en lærer.

Mal og Klasseinstruksjoner Accordion Arrow

Mal og Klasse Instruksjoner

(Disse instruksjonene kan tilpasses fullstendig. Etter å ha klikket på "Kopier aktivitet", oppdater instruksjonene på Rediger-fanen i oppgaven.)


Lag et storyboard over hva dine evner er å vise vekt på evner fremfor utseende.

  1. Klikk på "Start oppdrag".
  2. Lag et tre-cellers storyboard med titler og beskrivelser.
  3. I hver celle lager du et visuelt av tre forskjellige evner du har.
  4. Beskriv kort hva du gjør i hver celle, og tittel hver celle med 'evne'.
  5. Lagre og send inn oppgaven.

Leksjon Plan Reference

Rubrikk Accordion Arrow


(Du kan også lage dine egne på Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.


Elever kan dvele for mye ved hva de bør forbedre, hvordan de bør se ut eller hvordan de bør kle seg. Tenåringer er sårbare for mediepåvirkning, og dessverre er media fylt med metoder for å rive ned kroppsbildet. Elever som allerede opplever forvrengte kroppsbilder blir lett og sterkt påvirket. Hvis tenåringer kan fokusere på hvem de er og hva de liker med seg selv, er de kanskje ikke så utsatt for å gå til ytterligheter for å endre det. I disse SEL-aktivitetene vil studentene fokusere på hva deres evner er i stedet for deres utseende.

Etter at elevene har fullført arbeidet kan du henge dem inn på tavlen eller veggen i klasserommet. Å ha et overveldende antall positive bilder vil bidra til å skape et mer kroppsvennlig miljø. Noen elever ser sjelden en vegg av positivitet. I tillegg kan eksempler som kommer fra jevnaldrende også bety mer i motsetning til noe som er laget av en lærer.

Mal og Klasse Instruksjoner

(Disse instruksjonene kan tilpasses fullstendig. Etter å ha klikket på "Kopier aktivitet", oppdater instruksjonene på Rediger-fanen i oppgaven.)


Lag et storyboard over hva dine evner er å vise vekt på evner fremfor utseende.

  1. Klikk på "Start oppdrag".
  2. Lag et tre-cellers storyboard med titler og beskrivelser.
  3. I hver celle lager du et visuelt av tre forskjellige evner du har.
  4. Beskriv kort hva du gjør i hver celle, og tittel hver celle med 'evne'.
  5. Lagre og send inn oppgaven.

Leksjon Plan Reference


(Du kan også lage dine egne på Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Lærere og studenter elsker oss


KUN $ 500

  • 1 skole
  • 5 lærere i ett år
  • 1 time med virtuell PD
30 dagers pengene-tilbake-garanti • Kun nye kunder • Full pris etter introduksjonstilbud • Tilgang er for 1 kalenderår
*(Dette vil starte en 2 ukers gratis prøveversjon - ingen kredittkort nødvendig)
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Alle rettigheter forbeholdt.
StoryboardThat er et varemerke for Clever Prototypes , LLC , og registrert i US Patent and Trademark Office