The War That Saved My Life is een historische fictieroman die zich afspeelt in Engeland bij het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Er is echter nog een andere "oorlog" waarmee de hoofdpersoon, de 10-jarige Ada Smith, wordt geconfronteerd: de strijd om te ontsnappen aan haar gewelddadige moeder. Betrek en leid studenten op met vooraf gemaakte activiteiten van Storyboard That!
Leerlingen kunnen de karakters van een boek plotten en schrijven over de fysieke / persoonlijkheidskenmerken van elk personage, hun interacties met anderen en de uitdagingen waarmee ze worden geconfronteerd.
Storyboard Tekst
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?