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Responsible Decision Making SEL Read Aloud Social Story

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Indentify Choices

Evaluate Choices

Decide on a Course of Action

Evaluate Decision

Mike and Brian are taking a test in class. Mike didn't study and asks Brian if he can look at his paper. Brian doesn't know what to do.

The boys are best friends and Brian doesn't want to let his friend down. However, if they get caught, they will get zeros and will get into trouble. Brian studied for the test all week and would be so upset if he got a zero for cheating.

Brian decides not to show his answers to Mike.

Later, Brian explains to him that he would do anything to help a friend, but cheating is wrong and they could've gotten into big trouble.Mike is disappointed but he understands.Brian gets a 94% on the test and Mike realizes he needs to stop slacking off. Brian knows he made the right decision.

Science test TODAY!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Science test TODAY!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

He's your best friend. He will be mad if you don't do it.

If you get caught you will fail, and get in big trouble.

Science test TODAY!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Sorry bud, I can't do it.

Dude, I'm sorry I asked you to cheat. I need to study next time, my mom is gonna be so mad!

Yo, Brian, lemme see what you wrote, dude.

Don't sweat it. Yeah, you really have to study!

Responsible Decision Making SEL Read Aloud Social Story
Storyboard That

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Akkor ezt storyboard a következő cikkekben és források:
Szociális érzelmi tanulás Felolvasás tevékenységek

A SEL Felfedezése Hangos Felolvasáson Keresztül: Alapvető Könyvek és Technikák Tanárok Számára

Írta: Lauren Ayube

A hangos felolvasás kiváló módja annak, hogy elkezdje az órát, vagy beszélgetést kezdeményezzen a tanulókkal olyan témákról, amelyekről csoportosan nehéz lehet beszélni. A hangos felolvasás megmutatja a tanulóknak, hogy ezek a problémák és érzések annyira gyakoriak, hogy valaki valóban könyvet írt róluk. Nem kell félniük megosztani érzéseiket!


Szociális Érzelmi Tanulás Felolvasva

Storyboard Leírás

Students can illustrate an example of decision making after reading Too Much Glue by Jason Lefebvre, or a similar story.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Indentify Choices
  • Thursday, October 14, 2021
  • Yo, Brian, lemme see what you wrote, dude.
  • Science test TODAY!
  • Evaluate Choices
  • He's your best friend. He will be mad if you don't do it.
  • Thursday, October 14, 2021
  • Science test TODAY!
  • If you get caught you will fail, and get in big trouble.
  • Decide on a Course of Action
  • Thursday, October 14, 2021
  • Sorry bud, I can't do it.
  • Science test TODAY!
  • Evaluate Decision
  • Don't sweat it. Yeah, you really have to study!
  • Dude, I'm sorry I asked you to cheat. I need to study next time, my mom is gonna be so mad!
  • Mike and Brian are taking a test in class. Mike didn't study and asks Brian if he can look at his paper. Brian doesn't know what to do.
  • The boys are best friends and Brian doesn't want to let his friend down. However, if they get caught, they will get zeros and will get into trouble. Brian studied for the test all week and would be so upset if he got a zero for cheating.
  • Brian decides not to show his answers to Mike.
  • Later, Brian explains to him that he would do anything to help a friend, but cheating is wrong and they could've gotten into big trouble. Mike is disappointed but he understands. Brian gets a 94% on the test and Mike realizes he needs to stop slacking off. Brian knows he made the right decision.
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