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Exemple de Feuille de Travail sur les Objectifs Intelligents

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Exemple de Feuille de Travail sur les Objectifs Intelligents
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Vue étudiant de la feuille de calcul numérique

Feuilles de Travail Numériques

Guide de L'enseignant par Liane Hicks

Tout comme les feuilles de travail traditionnelles aident les élèves à pratiquer et à intérioriser de nouvelles compétences, les feuilles de travail numériques permettent aux élèves d'explorer une variété de concepts d'une manière qui engage leur amour de la technologie, tout en réduisant le papier et le travail de préparation pour les enseignants !


Feuilles de Travail Numériques

Texte du Storyboard

  • Smart Goals! Directions: Write your SMART goals below by answering the prompts in each box.
  • S
  • M
  • A
  • R
  • T
  • SMART Goal Summary:I’m going to write a 50-page fantasy novel in 6 months, finishing on July 25th. I will do this by writing 2 pages per week.
  • Name: Lily Rose Student
  • Measurable: How will you track the outcome of your progress?I will finish writing all 50 pages in 6 months.
  • Realistic: Is your goal achievable? Explain why.My lifelong dream is to become a writer and I've been thinking about and imagining this story in my head for a long time. It is about time I put it down on paper! I can realistically set aside a half hour each day to write and be able to finish two pages a week.
  • Time-Oriented: How long will it take to complete?I will start writing tomorrow on January 25th, and finish July 25th!
  • Specific: Define your goal with as much detail as possible. Think about who, what, where and when.I am going to write a 50-page fantasy novel. It will be set in a magical land once upon a time that is full of witches, wizards and fairies. The main characters will be two kids who accidentally get lost in the magical land and have to find their way home.
  • Action: What will you do to achieve your goal?I will write at least 2 pages per week.
  • Date: January 24th
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