Tegevuste Ülevaade
Suurte eluotsuste osas leiad tavaliselt vastuse, kui vaadata iga valiku lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi. Lõpuks seisab õpilaste ees keeruline otsus, mida teha pärast keskkooli. Nende vanemate, kooli, ühiskonna ja nende endi survel on targalt valida. Tegelikult on neil palju aega, et tõepoolest aru saada, mida nad teha tahavad, ja nad saavad oma meelt igal ajal muuta. Nende vastused võivad saada palju selgemaks, kui vaadata lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi.
Selles tegevuses visualiseerivad õpilased olulise, tavaliselt stressirohke otsuse lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi . Otsuse loomine süžeeskeemi kaudu aitab visuaalselt välja näha, milline võib tulevik välja näha. Pärast tulemuste kaalumist peaks otsust olema lihtsam teha. Õpilasi tuleks julgustada kaaluma eelseisvat otsust, näiteks karjääri valimist, et neid veelgi tegevusega siduda.
Mall ja Klassi Juhised
(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)
Õpilaste juhised
Kaaluge raske otsuse tulemusi.
- Klõpsake nuppu "Alusta määramist".
- Looge visioon raskest otsusest, millega kõrgkooliealised tavaliselt esimeses lahtris kokku puutuvad.
- Tehke ülevaade sellest, millised on iga valiku lühiajalised tulemused.
- Tehke ülevaade sellest, millised on iga valiku pikaajalised tulemused.
- Vastake mõlemale küsimusele peegelduse kirjelduse lahtris.
- Iga teine kirjeldav lahter peaks olema lahtri lühike selgitus.
- Salvestage ja saatke tööülesanne.
Tunniplaan Viide
(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Tough Decision | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the two options of a tough decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the two options of a tough decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict a tough decision. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Short-Term Outcome | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different short-term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different short term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the short term outcomes. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Long-Term Outcome | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different long term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates the what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different long term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates the what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the long term outcomes. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Reflection | The student was able to effectively answer both questions using two or more sentences. | The student was able to adequately answer both questions using two or more sentences. | The student was unable to adequately answer both questions using two or more sentences. |
Grammar | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates student understanding of the decision making model. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Tegevuste Ülevaade
Suurte eluotsuste osas leiad tavaliselt vastuse, kui vaadata iga valiku lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi. Lõpuks seisab õpilaste ees keeruline otsus, mida teha pärast keskkooli. Nende vanemate, kooli, ühiskonna ja nende endi survel on targalt valida. Tegelikult on neil palju aega, et tõepoolest aru saada, mida nad teha tahavad, ja nad saavad oma meelt igal ajal muuta. Nende vastused võivad saada palju selgemaks, kui vaadata lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi.
Selles tegevuses visualiseerivad õpilased olulise, tavaliselt stressirohke otsuse lühi- ja pikaajalisi tulemusi . Otsuse loomine süžeeskeemi kaudu aitab visuaalselt välja näha, milline võib tulevik välja näha. Pärast tulemuste kaalumist peaks otsust olema lihtsam teha. Õpilasi tuleks julgustada kaaluma eelseisvat otsust, näiteks karjääri valimist, et neid veelgi tegevusega siduda.
Mall ja Klassi Juhised
(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)
Õpilaste juhised
Kaaluge raske otsuse tulemusi.
- Klõpsake nuppu "Alusta määramist".
- Looge visioon raskest otsusest, millega kõrgkooliealised tavaliselt esimeses lahtris kokku puutuvad.
- Tehke ülevaade sellest, millised on iga valiku lühiajalised tulemused.
- Tehke ülevaade sellest, millised on iga valiku pikaajalised tulemused.
- Vastake mõlemale küsimusele peegelduse kirjelduse lahtris.
- Iga teine kirjeldav lahter peaks olema lahtri lühike selgitus.
- Salvestage ja saatke tööülesanne.
Tunniplaan Viide
(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Tough Decision | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the two options of a tough decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the two options of a tough decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict a tough decision. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Short-Term Outcome | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different short-term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different short term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the short term outcomes. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Long-Term Outcome | The cell used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different long term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates the what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict two different long term effects of a decision. The description briefly indicates the what is being depicted in the cell above. | The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict the long term outcomes. The description shows an unclear understanding of content. |
Reflection | The student was able to effectively answer both questions using two or more sentences. | The student was able to adequately answer both questions using two or more sentences. | The student was unable to adequately answer both questions using two or more sentences. |
Grammar | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates student understanding of the decision making model. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Rohkem Storyboard That Tegevust
Otsuste Tegemise Oskused
- Diploma • NosLidawiki • Litsents Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)
Koolide ja Piirkondade Hinnakujundus
© 2024 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Kõik õigused kaitstud.
StoryboardThat on ettevõtte Clever Prototypes , LLC kaubamärk ja registreeritud USA patendi- ja kaubamärgiametis