At forstå afhængighed kan være et vanskeligt koncept. De fleste individer ser den negative opførsel ved brug af stoffer og betegner denne person som "dårlig" eller "svag". Mange stofbrugere er ikke i stand til at klare stress korrekt, og den underliggende årsag til nogle stofmisbrugere kan være øjeblikkelig lettelse af stressfaktorer. Afhængighedscyklen kan være en vanskelig at bryde.
I denne aktivitet opretter studerende et storyboard, der illustrerer cyklus af afhængighed . De skal være sikker på at medtage en beskrivelse af hvert trin og bestemme, hvornår det bedste tidspunkt at bryde cyklussen er. I storyboardeksemplet ovenfor er den bedste tid angivet som ”hulrum til brug” -trinnet, men det er ikke altid tilfældet for mennesker.
Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner
(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)
Vis din forståelse af, hvordan du bryder afhængighedscyklen ved at oprette et storyboard.
- Klik på "Start tildeling".
- Brug et femcelle-cykluslayout med titler og beskrivelser.
- Liste over de fem trin i cyklus i hver af titelfelterne.
- I celleens beskrivelsesfelt skal du kort forklare, hvad der normalt finder sted under hvert trin.
- Angiv den bedste mulighed for at bryde cyklussen i det relevante beskrivelsesfelt.
- Skriv en kort reflektionserklæring i beskrivelsesboksen for skyld / skam.
- Illustrer et visuelt eksempel på hvert trin i cellerne ved hjælp af en kombination af passende scener, karakterer og genstande. Afbild ikke den faktiske brug af stoffet.
- Gem og send opgaven.
Lektionsplan Reference
(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body. | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Titles, Descriptions, and Order | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions effectively describes the steps. The cells are in the correct order. | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions adequately describes the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. | The cell titles do not align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions fails to describe the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. |
Breaking the Cycle/Reflection | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the correct cell. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was an unclear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. |
Cells | The cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image inaccurately showcasing the theme. |
At forstå afhængighed kan være et vanskeligt koncept. De fleste individer ser den negative opførsel ved brug af stoffer og betegner denne person som "dårlig" eller "svag". Mange stofbrugere er ikke i stand til at klare stress korrekt, og den underliggende årsag til nogle stofmisbrugere kan være øjeblikkelig lettelse af stressfaktorer. Afhængighedscyklen kan være en vanskelig at bryde.
I denne aktivitet opretter studerende et storyboard, der illustrerer cyklus af afhængighed . De skal være sikker på at medtage en beskrivelse af hvert trin og bestemme, hvornår det bedste tidspunkt at bryde cyklussen er. I storyboardeksemplet ovenfor er den bedste tid angivet som ”hulrum til brug” -trinnet, men det er ikke altid tilfældet for mennesker.
Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner
(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)
Vis din forståelse af, hvordan du bryder afhængighedscyklen ved at oprette et storyboard.
- Klik på "Start tildeling".
- Brug et femcelle-cykluslayout med titler og beskrivelser.
- Liste over de fem trin i cyklus i hver af titelfelterne.
- I celleens beskrivelsesfelt skal du kort forklare, hvad der normalt finder sted under hvert trin.
- Angiv den bedste mulighed for at bryde cyklussen i det relevante beskrivelsesfelt.
- Skriv en kort reflektionserklæring i beskrivelsesboksen for skyld / skam.
- Illustrer et visuelt eksempel på hvert trin i cellerne ved hjælp af en kombination af passende scener, karakterer og genstande. Afbild ikke den faktiske brug af stoffet.
- Gem og send opgaven.
Lektionsplan Reference
(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body. | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Titles, Descriptions, and Order | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions effectively describes the steps. The cells are in the correct order. | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions adequately describes the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. | The cell titles do not align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions fails to describe the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. |
Breaking the Cycle/Reflection | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the correct cell. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was an unclear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. |
Cells | The cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image inaccurately showcasing the theme. |
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