The Girl Who Drank The Moon is fantasy novel about a magical land and a young girl named Luna who is unaware of her growing powers from drinking moonlight as a baby. Students of all ages will enjoy this beautifully told, thrilling, and magical journey with themes of kindness and cruelty, hope and despair, and the importance of love above all else.
Can't find a specific book in our pre-made lesson plans? This novel study guide has easy to use activities that can be tailored to any book, novel, or short story.
Students can create a movie poster for The Girl Who Drank the Moon to demonstrate how well they understand the main themes and atmosphere of a story.
Storyboard Text
From the Award Winning novel by Kelly Barnhill introducing
The Girl Who Drank The Moon
The Girl Who Drank The Moon
"This mesmerizing fantasy adventure will sweep you away to a land of dragons, swamp monsters, and witches. A thrilling ride for the entire family, kids and adults alike will be enchanted and "enmagicked"!" - Movies R Us Magazine
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