The Book Thief is a historical fiction novel written in 2005. The story centers on the life of Liesel Meminger, a young German orphan raised by foster parents during the rise of Hitler and the beginning of World War II. The author chooses Death to be the narrator, as he is able to convey the scope of suffering of the Holocaust as well as describe the emotional story.
Students can identify a quote or a scene from The Book Thief that resonates with them, and describe its meaning and importance in words and illustrations.
Storyboard Text
QUOTE from THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak
Liesel's life is shaped by words. She bonds with her Papa over learning to read, she befriends the Mayor's wife through her love of books, her relationship with Rudy is strengthened through their escapades stealing books. Her kinship with Max develops through sharing stories. Words save her as she writes in the basement when bombs fall. However, the hideous power of words to incite the violence and terror of Nazi Germany cause Liesel to struggle between her love and hatred of words.
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."