Ste se kdaj spraševali, od kod izvira rek, kot je "Ima Midov dotik" ali "Moraš najti njihovo Ahilovo peto"? Stara grščina je koren številnih angleških besed in besednih zvez, njihova kultura pa ima znane upodobitve tem in zgodb, ki so še danes pomembne.
Spawned from a locker a long time ago, daughter of Hermes and Athena, Teacherus Englian was born. She has all schools in her domain, and she controls all the creatures of the hallways, including the elusive Studentians. Her power over these creatures holds them in line, for they fear her ability to call the powers of the parentials. However, the Studentians knew her weakness and one day hid her magical Coffee of Olympus, rendering her paralyzed.... To be continued....
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