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Izrazi Judaizma

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A dreidel is a four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side. It is used in a children's game traditionally played during Hanukkah. The game commemorates the time when Jerusalem was under the reign of King Antiochus IV in 168 BCE who outlawed the Judaism. It was originally created as a way for Jews to secretly study the Torah and learn Hebrew but disguised as gambling.

The menorah is a candelabra and the oldest symbol of Judaism. It is used in worship. A nine branched menorah called a hanukkiah is used during Hanukkah. Menorah means lamp in Hebrew and is described in the scriptures as being made of gold and used in the tabernacle by Moses and in the Temple in Jerusalem. It is said to symbolize the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses.

A mezuzah isa parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a decorative case to the doorpost of a Jewish home as a sign of faith and a reminder of God's covenant.

A Mitzvah is a commandment as well asa good deed done from religious duty.These good deeds are intended to help one's fellow neighbor and spread peace and kindness. An example of a mitzvah is visiting the sick or elderly.

The sacred Torah is composed of what are called the "Five Books of Moses". They are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books are also included in the Christian Bible in the Old Testament. They include the 613 Mitzvah or Commandments that were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, including the Ten Commandments.

A head covering or skullcap that is a sign of respect for God. Orthodox Jewish men always wear a yarmulke while most Liberal or Reform Jews view it as optional or specifically when attending services. The Hebrew word for the head covering is "kippah" while the Yiddish word is "yarmulke".


Izrazi Judaizma
Storyboard That

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Najdete storyboard v naslednjih členih in virov:
Bela Davidova zvezda je na modrem ozadju. Okoli nje so simboli judovske vere, kot so zvitek, menora in dreidel.

Kaj je Judovstvo?

Avtor: Liane Hicks

Judovstvo je ena najstarejših neprekinjeno izvajanih religij na svetu, ki se je začela pred približno 4000 leti. Danes judovstvo prakticira približno 15 milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu. Ta starodavna religija je bila prva monoteistična (verovala je v enega Boga) in je korenina današnjih dveh največjih religij, krščanstva in islama.



Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Za ponazoritev in opredelitev ključnih izrazov v zvezi s preučevanjem judaizma in svetovnih religij uporabite zemljevid pajkov!

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • A head covering or skullcap that is a sign of respect for God. Orthodox Jewish men always wear a yarmulke while most Liberal or Reform Jews view it as optional or specifically when attending services. The Hebrew word for the head covering is "kippah" while the Yiddish word is "yarmulke".
  • A dreidel is a four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side. It is used in a children's game traditionally played during Hanukkah. The game commemorates the time when Jerusalem was under the reign of King Antiochus IV in 168 BCE who outlawed the Judaism. It was originally created as a way for Jews to secretly study the Torah and learn Hebrew but disguised as gambling.
  • The menorah is a candelabra and the oldest symbol of Judaism. It is used in worship. A nine branched menorah called a hanukkiah is used during Hanukkah. Menorah means lamp in Hebrew and is described in the scriptures as being made of gold and used in the tabernacle by Moses and in the Temple in Jerusalem. It is said to symbolize the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses.
  • The sacred Torah is composed of what are called the "Five Books of Moses". They are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books are also included in the Christian Bible in the Old Testament. They include the 613 Mitzvah or Commandments that were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, including the Ten Commandments.
  • A Mitzvah is a commandment as well as a good deed done from religious duty. These good deeds are intended to help one's fellow neighbor and spread peace and kindness. An example of a mitzvah is visiting the sick or elderly.
  • A mezuzah is a parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a decorative case to the doorpost of a Jewish home as a sign of faith and a reminder of God's covenant.
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