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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Brutus

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Brutus
Storyboard That

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Hamletov Povzetek in Učni Načrti

Tragični Junak

Načrti Pouka Rebecca Ray

Tragične junake lahko vidimo na televiziji, filmu in literaturi. Ključnega pomena je definirati ta arhetip in razumeti, kako vplivajo na zaplet. Z uporabo snemalnih knjig učenci ustvarijo interaktiven način za ponotranjenje koncepta in zgradijo okvir za odkrivanje tragičnih junakov v literaturi.


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Example of Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar | Brutus as a Tragic Hero

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • How do I choose between my friend, and my country?
  • "It's not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more..."
  • Brutus’s love of Rome demands he do anything required to preserve it.
  • Brutus was so certain of his justness in killing Caesar, he didn’t anticipate that the people of Rome would follow Antony against him.
  • Antony turns the crowd against him during Caesar’s eulogy.
  • Brutus discovers that the people of Rome have turned against the conspirators, and they must prepare for battle.
  • Once Caesar has been killed, it is inevitable that Brutus will go to war with Antony. Caesar’s ghost foreshadows this defeat.
  • Antony finds Brutus’ body and requests that he be buried as a hero. The audience is sad that a noble man, with good intentions, suffered such a tragic fate.
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