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Catharsis Tragic Hero

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At the end of a classic tragedy, the hero has struggled in vain against supernatural powers, like fate or the gods. A mistake or flaw causes the hero to fail and suffer a terrible fate.

The audience is left with a feeling of pity for the tragic hero, and fear that the same fate could befall them personally.

Aristotle believed feeling this pity and fear helped to “emotionally cleanse” the audience, by letting them experience these intense emotions in a safe manner.

Behold, mortal: punishment for your pride!

How sad, he wasn't a bad person. What a terrible fate!

If that could happen to a person like him, it could happen to me, too!

That's the sign of a good tragedy!

Yeah, it was intense, but I'm glad I saw it.

Really makes you think.

That was a great play, the end was very moving!


Catharsis Tragic Hero
Storyboard That

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Najdete storyboard v naslednjih členih in virov:
Hamletov Povzetek in Učni Načrti

Tragični Junak

Načrti Pouka Rebecca Ray

Tragične junake lahko vidimo na televiziji, filmu in literaturi. Ključnega pomena je definirati ta arhetip in razumeti, kako vplivajo na zaplet. Z uporabo snemalnih knjig učenci ustvarijo interaktiven način za ponotranjenje koncepta in zgradijo okvir za odkrivanje tragičnih junakov v literaturi.


Oglejte si nekaj naših drugih izobraževalnih člankov!

Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Catharsis Tragic Hero examples Storyboard - 3 panel explanation of catharsis | Teaching the Tragic Hero Archetype

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Behold, mortal: punishment for your pride!
  • How sad, he wasn't a bad person. What a terrible fate!
  • If that could happen to a person like him, it could happen to me, too!
  • That was a great play, the end was very moving!
  • That's the sign of a good tragedy!
  • Yeah, it was intense, but I'm glad I saw it. Really makes you think.
  • At the end of a classic tragedy, the hero has struggled in vain against supernatural powers, like fate or the gods. A mistake or flaw causes the hero to fail and suffer a terrible fate.
  • The audience is left with a feeling of pity for the tragic hero, and fear that the same fate could befall them personally.
  • Aristotle believed feeling this pity and fear helped to “emotionally cleanse” the audience, by letting them experience these intense emotions in a safe manner.
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