Pajkov zemljevid je orodje, ki študentom nudi vizualni okvir za uporabo. Pajkov zemljevid, včasih imenovan konceptualni zemljevid, ima glavno idejo ali temo v središču ali telesu diagrama. Vsaka podrobnost ali podtema, povezana z glavno idejo, ima svojo nogo ali vejo, ki obdaja glavno idejo.
“‘My idea is that if we can win this battle in front of us, and get a firm hold of the country, then I will institute a sort of order of chivalry… I shall make the oath of the order that Might is only to be used for Right.’”
Fair and just; naive and lacks the backbone to confront his wife and Lancelot about their affair; develops a new code of chivalry based around might only for right, and tries to wipe out “Force Majeur”
Strong; fair hair; an open face with kind eyes; dressed in a King’s robe of velvet; has a son with his half-sister, Morgause, who is named Mordred.