Person so vizualne zgodbe, ki opisujejo dejanske stranke. Person pripravi natančno sliko uporabnika, kaj želijo doseči, katera znanja in spretnosti, ki jih lahko ali ne sme imeti, in zakaj se nekatere stvari bolj pomembno za njih. V izdelke ali storitve, ki jih zasnova poskušali rešiti te težave strank. Person pomaga tim poudarek na uporabniku usmerjenih design.
When creating personas, consider pulling from lots of different categories. I've used Porter's Five Forces to create these categories. You should consider anyone in your supply chain or anyone who influences your bottom line.
Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo
People who will buy or use your product or service.
People who will sell your product or service for you.
Policy Influencers or Regulators
People who recommend your product or service to potential customers.
Internal Users
People who sell their own product or service to a similar demographic as yours.
People who influence the rules about selling your product or service.
People who may manage or administrate your product or service, but are not customers.
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Brez Prenosov, Brez Kreditne Kartice in Brez Prijave!