Pregled Aktivnosti
Študenti morajo spoznati, da imajo naše besede posledice. Ko žrtve ustrahujejo, doživljajo strah, tesnobo in znižano samozavest. To lahko privede do tega, da žrtve spremenijo svoje vedenje in interese, da se prepričajo, da so v varnem položaju. Pogosto se to konča z izolacijo in izgubo dosedanjih interesov, kot so šport, klubi, druženje. To lahko privede tudi do skrajnih izidov. Ko se žrtve počutijo, kot da niso sprejete, lahko razvijejo nevarne navade, s katerimi se bodo spoprijele s tem stresom. To se lahko kaže kot zasvojenost, motnja hranjenja ali celo samopoškodovanje.
Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti ustvarili časovnico o žrtvi nasilništva. Dejavnosti, kot so prikazane, lahko učencem pomagajo vizualizirati vpliv svojih besed tako, da jim pomagajo razmišljati, preden govorijo. Cilj te dejavnosti je preprečiti nasilje. Po zaključku dela se pogovorite, kako lahko dolgoročni učinek ostane v odrasli dobi.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Ustvarite knjižno knjigo, ki prikazuje kratkoročni in dolgoročni vpliv žrtve ustrahovanja.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev.
- Ustvari tričlansko časovnico z datumi.
- V prvi celici ustvarite primer ustrahovanja.
- V drugi celici ustvarite sliko, kako je to kratkoročno vplivalo na žrtev.
- V tretji celici ustvarite sliko, kako je to dolgoročno vplivalo na žrtev.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates. | The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included two of the three cells with titles and dates. | The student was unable to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates or the storyboard is unfinished. |
Bullying Incident | The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cell depicted a realistic and appropriate story that included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the bullying incident was not labeled, the story's bullying scene, character(s), and text were inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Short-Term Effect | The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic short-term outcome that included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying. | The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the short-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Long-Term Effect | The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic long-term outcome included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying. | The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the long-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Use of Conventions | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Študenti morajo spoznati, da imajo naše besede posledice. Ko žrtve ustrahujejo, doživljajo strah, tesnobo in znižano samozavest. To lahko privede do tega, da žrtve spremenijo svoje vedenje in interese, da se prepričajo, da so v varnem položaju. Pogosto se to konča z izolacijo in izgubo dosedanjih interesov, kot so šport, klubi, druženje. To lahko privede tudi do skrajnih izidov. Ko se žrtve počutijo, kot da niso sprejete, lahko razvijejo nevarne navade, s katerimi se bodo spoprijele s tem stresom. To se lahko kaže kot zasvojenost, motnja hranjenja ali celo samopoškodovanje.
Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti ustvarili časovnico o žrtvi nasilništva. Dejavnosti, kot so prikazane, lahko učencem pomagajo vizualizirati vpliv svojih besed tako, da jim pomagajo razmišljati, preden govorijo. Cilj te dejavnosti je preprečiti nasilje. Po zaključku dela se pogovorite, kako lahko dolgoročni učinek ostane v odrasli dobi.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Ustvarite knjižno knjigo, ki prikazuje kratkoročni in dolgoročni vpliv žrtve ustrahovanja.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev.
- Ustvari tričlansko časovnico z datumi.
- V prvi celici ustvarite primer ustrahovanja.
- V drugi celici ustvarite sliko, kako je to kratkoročno vplivalo na žrtev.
- V tretji celici ustvarite sliko, kako je to dolgoročno vplivalo na žrtev.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates. | The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included two of the three cells with titles and dates. | The student was unable to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates or the storyboard is unfinished. |
Bullying Incident | The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cell depicted a realistic and appropriate story that included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the bullying incident was not labeled, the story's bullying scene, character(s), and text were inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Short-Term Effect | The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic short-term outcome that included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying. | The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the short-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Long-Term Effect | The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic long-term outcome included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying. | The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text. | Either the long-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished. |
Use of Conventions | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Več Storyboard That Dejavnosti za
Dejavnosti Proti Nasilju
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