  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodbčiti-se-od-napak
Pregled Dejavnosti
Predloga in Navodila za Razred
Pregled Dejavnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Del tega, da je študent, dela napake. Študentje se bodo včasih znašli pred izzivi ali se soočili z ovirami. Prepreke je enostavno spremeniti v izgovore, a premagovanje le-teh bo pomembna spretnost za življenje. Priznavanje napak je le prvi del; učenje od njih je pomembnejše. Študenti se lahko odločijo za svoje napake, tudi če se drugim zdijo nepomembne, kar lahko povzroči, da ne želijo tvegati ali poskusiti česa novega. Pomembno je vaditi in spoznati, da so napake del življenja.

V tej dejavnosti bodo učenci napake spremenili v učno izkušnjo. Posamezniki lahko študentje uporabijo svoje napake, saj si bodo njihovo knjigo ogledali samo oni in učitelj, če pa se to uporablja kot skupinska ali partnerska dejavnost, bodo študenti morda želeli ustvariti primere zunaj lastnih izkušenj. V tem primeru lahko učitelju celo pomaga, da zagotovi več napak, ki jih lahko dijaki izberejo in razpravljajo o tem, kako spremeniti vsako v pozitivno učno izkušnjo.

Predloga in Navodila za Razred Accordion Arrow

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvari knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje nauke, ki se jih naučijo pri vsakodnevnih napakah ali ovirah.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Označi vsak stolpec ovira / napake in lekcije .
  3. V vsaki celici z napako / oviro prikažite običajno napako ali težavo, ki ste jo doživeli vi ali najstniki na splošno.
  4. V vsaki celici pouka prikažite lik, ki se uči iz te napake ali ovire.
  5. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Flip It!
Students will create a storyboard that shows three common mistakes and important lesson that comes from them.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes, and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with a title clearly differentiating the lessons from the mistake/obstacle.
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with, but it was sometimes unclear to the reader whether or not the cell was a lesson or a mistake/obstacle.
There was fewer than six cells or the storyboard was unfinished. The cells where unclear in differentiating the lessons from the mistakes/obstacles.
Three or more cells were created to show common mistakes students could make. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Only two cells used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Three or more cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
Only two cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a lesson teens learn throughout their experience.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Del tega, da je študent, dela napake. Študentje se bodo včasih znašli pred izzivi ali se soočili z ovirami. Prepreke je enostavno spremeniti v izgovore, a premagovanje le-teh bo pomembna spretnost za življenje. Priznavanje napak je le prvi del; učenje od njih je pomembnejše. Študenti se lahko odločijo za svoje napake, tudi če se drugim zdijo nepomembne, kar lahko povzroči, da ne želijo tvegati ali poskusiti česa novega. Pomembno je vaditi in spoznati, da so napake del življenja.

V tej dejavnosti bodo učenci napake spremenili v učno izkušnjo. Posamezniki lahko študentje uporabijo svoje napake, saj si bodo njihovo knjigo ogledali samo oni in učitelj, če pa se to uporablja kot skupinska ali partnerska dejavnost, bodo študenti morda želeli ustvariti primere zunaj lastnih izkušenj. V tem primeru lahko učitelju celo pomaga, da zagotovi več napak, ki jih lahko dijaki izberejo in razpravljajo o tem, kako spremeniti vsako v pozitivno učno izkušnjo.

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Navodila za študente

Ustvari knjigo zgodb, ki prikazuje nauke, ki se jih naučijo pri vsakodnevnih napakah ali ovirah.

  1. Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
  2. Označi vsak stolpec ovira / napake in lekcije .
  3. V vsaki celici z napako / oviro prikažite običajno napako ali težavo, ki ste jo doživeli vi ali najstniki na splošno.
  4. V vsaki celici pouka prikažite lik, ki se uči iz te napake ali ovire.
  5. Nalogo shranite in pošljite.

Lekcija Načrt Reference


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Flip It!
Students will create a storyboard that shows three common mistakes and important lesson that comes from them.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes, and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with a title clearly differentiating the lessons from the mistake/obstacle.
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with, but it was sometimes unclear to the reader whether or not the cell was a lesson or a mistake/obstacle.
There was fewer than six cells or the storyboard was unfinished. The cells where unclear in differentiating the lessons from the mistakes/obstacles.
Three or more cells were created to show common mistakes students could make. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Only two cells used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Three or more cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
Only two cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a lesson teens learn throughout their experience.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Učitelji in učenci nas imajo radi

Cene za Šole in Okrožja

Uvodna Šolska Ponudba
  • 1 Šola
  • 5 učiteljev za eno leto
  • 1 ura virtualne PD

30-dnevna garancija vračila denarja • Samo nove stranke • Polna cena po predstavitveni ponudbi • Dostop velja za 1 koledarsko leto

*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)čiti-se-od-napak
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Vse pravice pridržane.
StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA
Ustvarjenih več kot 30 milijonov snemalnih knjig
Brez Prenosov, Brez Kreditne Kartice in Brez Prijave!
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