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Načrti Učbenikov Knjiga o Knjigi Despereaux

The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo is a fairy tale about an unusual mouse named Despereaux, a beautiful princess, a poor girl desperate to become royalty, and a deceitful rat with a plan to get revenge.

Študentske dejavnosti za Pravljica o Despereaux

The Tale of Despereaux Book Summary

Book I: A Mouse is Born

Despereaux is a mouse whose mother immediately complains about him being a disappointment; he is extremely small, has giant ears, and was born with his eyes open. Despereaux’s brother, Furlough, and his sister, Merlot, try to teach Despereaux to be a normal mouse, but there is just something different about him. Despereaux’s family quickly gives up on educating him to be a mouse.

Despereaux is left on his own, and wanders towards the beautiful sound of music. He becomes so entranced by the music that he follows it straight to the foot of the King, and Princess Pea. Despereaux falls in love at the first sight of Pea. He lets Pea scratch his ears and he even speaks to the royals. After Furlough witnesses this encounter between the humans and Despereaux, he runs to tell their father, who calls the Mouse Council to discuss the matter.

The Council determines Despereaux is a threat to the community and announces that he will be sent to the rat dungeon. Despereaux is given an opportunity to recant his feelings toward the humans, but he refuses. Instead, he bravely proclaims his love for Pea.

Despereaux is thrown into the dark dungeon, where he meets Gregory, an old jailor who saves him from the rats in exchange for a story.

Book II: Chiaroscuro

The narrator goes back in time to introduce a rat named Chiaroscuro, or Roscuro. Roscuro is enamored with light and talks with the wise rat, Botticelli Remorso, about his curiosity. Botticelli tells Roscuro that he is a rat, and a rat’s purpose in life is to torture prisoners. Remorso tortures the next prisoner that arrives, but he is disappointed; he believes light is the true purpose of life and decides to go upstairs.

Roscuro explores a little of the upstairs, but interrupts a party by falling into the Queen’s soup. The Queen falls backward to her death and Roscuro catches the look of anger and hatred from Pea, which breaks his heart. Roscuro returns to the dungeon to plan his revenge on Princess Pea.

Book III: Gor! The Tale of Miggery Sow

The narrator introduces Miggery Sow, the daughter of a prisoner, who was sold for a red tablecloth, a hen, and a pack of cigarettes. Miggery served as a slave to the man who bought her, whom she called “Uncle”. Uncle continually hit her in the ear, to the point where she became partially deaf.

On day, Miggery sees the princess pass by, and decides she wants nothing more than to be a princess with a crown and a white horse. The King’s soldier enters Uncle’s home to declare soup illegal. He also states that owning another person is illegal and takes Miggery to the castle. Miggery becomes a servant at the castle, but she can’t perform any of the tasks correctly, so the Cook sends her to feed prisoners in the dungeon. As Miggery is serving Gregory his food, she talks about her dream of being a princess. Roscuro is delighted at hearing this; he stops Miggery and explains his plan to bring the princess down to the darkness. In return for her help, he promises Miggery she can become the princess.

Book: IV Recalled to the Light

Miggery brings the tray back to the kitchen, but Gregory had sneaked Despereaux onto the tray. When he is discovered, the Cook demands that Miggery kill the mouse. Miggery cuts off Despereaux’s tail, but he gets away. In a great deal of pain and feeling a mixture of joy, gratitude, and despair, Despereaux weeps and falls asleep for a long, long time.

While Despereaux sleeps, Roscuro’s plan goes into effect: Roscuro chewed through Gregory’s rope, leaving Gregory lost in the maze of the dungeon, and Miggery climbed upstairs to the princess’s room with a knife. Miggery believes that she and the princess will just switch places; however, Roscuro’s true plan is to lock Pea in the dungeon forever.

Miggery wakes Pea from a dream about her mother and demands that she comes with her, but Pea does not go easily. Roscuro insists that the Pea listen to his directions or Miggery will use the knife on her. After these threats, the three make their way into the dungeon.

Despereaux finally wakes to find the princess has already been kidnapped. Despereaux goes to the king to tell him what he knows about Pea’s disappearance, but the king is too stubborn to listen, and Despereaux is left with no choice but act like a knight in shining armor and rescue Pea himself.

Newly armed with a sewing needle and a spool of thread, Despereaux makes his way to the dungeon. He is caught by the Cook in the kitchen, but the Cook, who was cooking (illegal) soup, decides to feed Despereaux the delicious soup instead of kill him. She lets Despereaux go on his way down the dungeon stairs.

At the bottom, Despereaux is stopped by Botticelli. With no other choice Despereaux is guided through the dungeon by Botticelli, and arrives to find Miggery and the princess sitting together.

He runs towards them, but Roscuro blocks his way. Despereaux threatens to kill Roscuro. Botticelli and the other rats laugh at the idea of a mouse killing a rat, and watch in anticipation of the mouse’s death.

Despereaux’s whiskers brush against Roscuro and Roscuro is all of a sudden overcome with the smell of soup. He breaks down into tears and realizes that his plan will never work; all he really wanted was some light and beauty in his life and that was his reason for kidnapping the princess. Pea promises Roscuro some soup if he would let them all go.

The story has a fairy tale ending: Roscuro is allowed to move freely from the darkness of the dungeon to the light of the upstairs. Miggery Sow’s father is released and treats Miggery like a princess for the rest of his life. Despereaux became friends with Pea and has the seat of honor next to the princess. Despereaux’s parents, brother, and Hovis look on from a small crevice in the wall and see that Despereaux is alive and happy.

Kako poučevati pripovedno stališče v 'Zgodbi o Despereauxu


Uvod v Pripovedni Pogled

Začnite lekcijo z razpravo o konceptu pripovednega zornega kota. Pojasnite, da se pripovedni vidik nanaša na perspektivo, iz katere je zgodba povedana, in kako vpliva na bralčevo razumevanje dogodkov, likov in tem. Navedite primere običajnih pripovednih stališč, kot so prvoosebni, tretjeosebni omejeni in tretjeosebni vsevedni. Za ponazoritev teh konceptov uporabite preprost jezik in vizualne elemente. Predstavite "The Tale of Despereaux" kot besedilo za analizo in poudarite, da uporablja več pripovednih glasov.


Branje in Prepoznavanje Pripovednih Stališč

Učencem dodelite del romana, ki ga bodo prebrali samostojno ali kot razred. Spodbujajte jih, naj bodo zelo pozorni na pripovedno perspektivo, uporabljeno v dodeljenem odlomku. Po branju naj učenci identificirajo pripovedno stališče v odlomku in razpravljajo o njem. Postavljajte vprašanja, kot je "Kdo pripoveduje ta del zgodbe?" in "Do katerih informacij ima pripovedovalec dostop?" Navedite dodatne odlomke iz knjige, vsak z drugačnim pripovednim zornim kotom, in ponovite vajo, da okrepite razumevanje.


Analiza Vpliva Narativnega Zornega Kota

Vključite učence v razredno razpravo o tem, kako narativno stališče vpliva na njihovo razumevanje zgodbe. Spodbujajte jih, naj delijo svoja opažanja o tem, kako različne perspektive razkrivajo različne vpoglede v like in dogodke. S posebnimi primeri iz romana ponazorite, kako Despereauxova prvoosebna pripoved ponuja osebno in čustveno povezavo z njegovimi izkušnjami, medtem ko vsevedni pripovedovalec ponuja širši pogled na druge like. Pogovorite se o tem, kako izbira pripovednega zornega kota vpliva na splošni ton, razpoloženje in angažiranost bralca.


Uporaba in Refleksija

Dodelite pisno nalogo, kjer učenci izberejo določen prizor ali dogodek iz »Zgodbe o Despereauxu« in ga prepišejo z drugačnega pripovednega vidika. Na primer, lahko prepišejo prizor, povedan iz Despereauxove prvoosebne perspektive, v tretjeosebno omejeno ali vsevedno perspektivo. Po opravljenih pisnih nalogah prosite študente, naj razmislijo o tem, kako je sprememba pripovednega zornega kota spremenila njihovo dojemanje prizora. Katere nove podrobnosti ali spoznanja so odkrili? Kako je to vplivalo na njihovo čustveno povezanost z liki? Spodbujajte učence, da z razredom delijo svoje prepisane odlomke in razmišljanja ter spodbujajo razpravo o pomenu pripovednega stališča v literaturi.


Razširitvena Dejavnost

Za razširjeno dejavnost lahko učenci raziskujejo druga literarna dela ali odlomke, ki uporabljajo različna pripovedna stališča. Ta dejavnost lahko razširi njihovo razumevanje o tem, kako se pripovedna perspektiva razlikuje po literaturi.



Ocenite učenčevo razumevanje in kritično mišljenje z ocenjevanjem, kot so kvizi ali pisni odgovori, kjer analizirajo pripovedni vidik v določenih odlomkih iz »Zgodbe o Despereauxu«. Oceni njihovo sposobnost prepoznavanja in razlage vpliva različnih pripovednih perspektiv.

Pogosta vprašanja o Zgodbi o Despereauxu

Kakšen je žanr "Zgodbe o Despereauxu"?

"Zgodba o Despereauxu" spada v žanr otroške fantazijske literature. Združuje elemente pravljic in fantazije, da ustvari čudaški in očarljiv svet. Zgodba vključuje govoreče miši, pogumnega mladega junaka, lepo princeso in kanček magije, zaradi česar je čudovito in domiselno branje za otroke in bralce vseh starosti.

Katere so glavne teme, ki jih raziskuje "Zgodba o Despereauxu"?

"Zgodba o Despereauxu" raziskuje več glavnih tem, vključno s pogumom, odpuščanjem, odrešitvijo ter močjo ljubezni in upanja. Roman poudarja pomen kljubovanja pričakovanjem in sledenja svojemu srcu. Poglablja se tudi v medsebojno igro med svetlobo in temo, tako simbolično kot dobesedno, ko liki krmarijo na svojih osebnih potovanjih. Te teme odmevajo med bralci, posredujejo dragocene življenjske lekcije in moralne vpoglede.

Katere nagrade ali priznanja je prejela "Zgodba o Despereauxu"?

"Zgodba o Despereauxu" Kate DiCamillo je prejela pohvale kritikov in številne nagrade. Leta 2004 je prejela prestižno Newberyjevo medaljo, eno najvišjih priznanj v otroški literaturi. Zaradi očarljivega pripovedovanja zgodb, nepozabnih likov in globokih tem je knjiga postala priljubljena med bralci in učitelji. Njegov uspeh je privedel tudi do adaptacij, vključno z animiranim filmom, kar je še utrdilo njegov status priljubljene klasike v svetu otroške literature.

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