Pregled Dejavnosti
Predloga in Navodila za Razred
Pregled Dejavnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Nobena študija o Candideu ni popolna brez raziskovanja zadnjega poglavja in končnega sporočila Voltaira. Udeležite študente v zaključni razpravi z začetkom pogovora s snemalci. Vprašajte študente, naj pripravijo svoje interpretacije tega, kar pomeni "kultivator notre jardin" v našem življenju danes.

Il faut cultiver notre jardin ...

Faites des choses simples, sans s'occuper de philosophie ou politici.

Travaillez, pour eviter l'ennui.

S'éloignez de la société pour ne pas se mêler au conflits.

Predloga in Navodila za Razred Accordion Arrow

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Po branju zadnjega poglavja Candida poskusite razlagati končno sporočilo Voltaira. Medtem ko se očitno ne strinja s Panglossovim optimizmom, omogoča svojemu junaku, da na koncu preprosto zaključi, da morajo on in njegovi prijatelji "kultivirati notre jardin". Kaj bi to lahko pomenilo?

V snemalni knjigi z 2-4 celicami si prikažite vsaj dve različni razlagi te vrstice in jih danes uporabite za našo družbo. Za vsako razlago je prikazan prizor v sodobnem svetu, ki se zdi, da ponazarja "gojenje lastnih vrtov". Na vrhu ali pod vsako sliko pojasnite nasvet, za katerega menite, da Voltaire namerava svoje bralce uporabiti v svojem življenju.

Lekcija Načrt Reference

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Candide: "Cultiver notre jardin"
Create a storyboard that explores 2-4 different interpretations of the line "cultiver notre jardin" in the final chapter of Candide.
7 Points
4 Points
1 Points
2-4 Interpretations
The storyboard includes 2-4 logical interpretations of "cultiver notre jardin". Each interpretation is briefly explained in terms of our modern world.
The storyboard includes 2-4 interpretations of "cultiver notre jardin", though some may seem to conflict with Voltaire's general philosophy. Each interpretation is briefly explained.
The storyboard includes only one interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin". Or most interpretations suggest a misunderstanding of the conclusion and Voltaire's message throughout the book.
All storyboard depictions show effort and provide a modern scenario that clearly illustrates and strengthens the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
Most storyboard depictions show effort and provide a modern scenario that attempts to illustrate the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and/or fail to provide an illustration that reflects the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
Grammar and Spelling
All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks).

Pregled Aktivnosti

Nobena študija o Candideu ni popolna brez raziskovanja zadnjega poglavja in končnega sporočila Voltaira. Udeležite študente v zaključni razpravi z začetkom pogovora s snemalci. Vprašajte študente, naj pripravijo svoje interpretacije tega, kar pomeni "kultivator notre jardin" v našem življenju danes.

Il faut cultiver notre jardin ...

Faites des choses simples, sans s'occuper de philosophie ou politici.

Travaillez, pour eviter l'ennui.

S'éloignez de la société pour ne pas se mêler au conflits.

Predloga in Class Navodila

(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)

Po branju zadnjega poglavja Candida poskusite razlagati končno sporočilo Voltaira. Medtem ko se očitno ne strinja s Panglossovim optimizmom, omogoča svojemu junaku, da na koncu preprosto zaključi, da morajo on in njegovi prijatelji "kultivirati notre jardin". Kaj bi to lahko pomenilo?

V snemalni knjigi z 2-4 celicami si prikažite vsaj dve različni razlagi te vrstice in jih danes uporabite za našo družbo. Za vsako razlago je prikazan prizor v sodobnem svetu, ki se zdi, da ponazarja "gojenje lastnih vrtov". Na vrhu ali pod vsako sliko pojasnite nasvet, za katerega menite, da Voltaire namerava svoje bralce uporabiti v svojem življenju.

Lekcija Načrt Reference


(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)

Candide: "Cultiver notre jardin"
Create a storyboard that explores 2-4 different interpretations of the line "cultiver notre jardin" in the final chapter of Candide.
7 Points
4 Points
1 Points
2-4 Interpretations
The storyboard includes 2-4 logical interpretations of "cultiver notre jardin". Each interpretation is briefly explained in terms of our modern world.
The storyboard includes 2-4 interpretations of "cultiver notre jardin", though some may seem to conflict with Voltaire's general philosophy. Each interpretation is briefly explained.
The storyboard includes only one interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin". Or most interpretations suggest a misunderstanding of the conclusion and Voltaire's message throughout the book.
All storyboard depictions show effort and provide a modern scenario that clearly illustrates and strengthens the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
Most storyboard depictions show effort and provide a modern scenario that attempts to illustrate the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and/or fail to provide an illustration that reflects the student's interpretation of "cultiver notre jardin".
Grammar and Spelling
All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks).

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