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Healthy Relationships SEL Read Aloud Social Story

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Alexa is playing with the new girl and not me. What if she doesn't want to be my best friend anymore?

I felt really sad when I saw you two playing without me.

I am so sorry! I told my teacher I'd be her buddy so she wouldn'tbe alone. I should've included you.

Hey, you want to hang out with me and Kelly today after school?

I would love to!

Healthy Relationships SEL Read Aloud Social Story
Storyboard That

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Tento príbeh môžete nájsť v nasledujúcich článkoch a zdrojoch:
Sociálno-emocionálne učenie Čítanie nahlas

Skúmanie SEL Prostredníctvom Hlasného Čítania: Základné Knihy a Techniky pre Učiteľov

Autor: Lauren Ayube

Čítanie nahlas je vynikajúci spôsob, ako začať hodinu alebo začať rozhovory so študentmi o témach, o ktorých môže byť zložité hovoriť v skupine. Čítanie nahlas ukazuje študentom, že tieto problémy a pocity sú také bežné, že o nich niekto skutočne napísal knihu. Nemusia sa báť podeliť o svoje pocity!


Sociálne Emočné Učenie sa Číta Nahlas

Storyboard Popis

After reading Letter to Amy or a similar story, students can illustrate a scenario that shows a healthy relationship and helping classmates and peers.

Text z Príbehu

  • Alexa is playing with the new girl and not me. What if she doesn't want to be my best friend anymore?
  • I felt really sad when I saw you two playing without me.
  • I am so sorry! I told my teacher I'd be her buddy so she wouldn't be alone. I should've included you.
  • Hey, you want to hang out with me and Kelly today after school?
  • I would love to!
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