«Поэт X » — реалистический фантастический роман, написанный в стихах. Речь идет о 15-летней Ксиомаре Батисте, одаренной поэтессе, которая живет со своей семьей в Гарлеме, штат Нью-Йорк. Роман написан с точки зрения Ксиомары и читается как ее личный дневник стихов, описывающих ее жизнь, ее взгляды на религию, необходимость столкнуться с постоянным сексизмом, ее строгие доминиканские родители, ее нового запрещенного парня и путешествия по миру в качестве молодой женщины. цвет пытается найти ее голос.
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THE POET X Favorite Quote Connection
Xiomara writes a poem titled "A Poem Mami Will Never Read" about her mother and their difficult relationship. Xiomara's mother is very hard on her and even abusive at times. She refuses to see Xiomara's point of view and doesn't allow her to have her own opinions about religion or other matters. Despite this, Xiomara tries to talk to her and explain. Despite their differences and their contentious relationship, Xiomara still loves and needs her mother. Like the quote says, "even at the risk of burning, the moth always seeks the light." She ends her poem acknowledging that even if it ends up hurting her, she can't help but seek a relationship with her mother.
“Your silence furnishes a dark house.But even at the risk of burning,the moth always seeks the light.”
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