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Steps to Create Personas

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Steps to Create Personas
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Bruk Personas i Business

Hvordan Opprette Bruker Peronas

Av Marissa Martinez

Personer er visuelle historier som beskriver faktiske kunder. Personer tegner et detaljert bilde av brukeren, hva de vil oppnå, hvilken kunnskap eller ferdigheter de kanskje eller ikke har, og hvorfor visse ting kan være viktigere for dem. Produktene eller tjenestene du designer prøver å løse disse kundeproblemer. Personas hjelper lagets fokus på brukersentrert design.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Use these steps to engage your team to create personas for your product or service.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Brainstorm Persona Types
  • BuyerResellerRepair PersonInstallerCompetitorPartnerUserRegulator
  • Research and Interview
  • Write Personas
  • Generate a list of types of people connected to your product or service.
  • Team Sort / Prioritize
  • Find people of each type and interview them about pain points and product use.
  • Discuss
  • Write a detailed description of each person. What do they care about? How do they currently solve the problem?
  • Finalize, Print, Dristribute
  • Gather the team (business and tech) to card sort the profiles. Use a target or triangle approach.
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Ask questions like: "Are these the same?" "What if we swap these two?"
  • Print the final primary profile for every team member to reference daily during the project.
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