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School Process for Handling a Bullying Incident

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School Process for Handling a Bullying Incident
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Mobbeopplæring og Forebygging

Mobbing Forebygging og Utdanning

Leksjonsplaner av Bridget Baudinet

Med fremveksten av sosiale medier de siste tiårene, har lærere sett en økning i både nettmobbing og tradisjonell mobbing blant unge i skolealder. Det første trinnet for å gjøre en forskjell er utdanning. Fakultetet, ansatte, foreldre og studenter må alle få opplæring i å identifisere, reagere på og forebygge mobbing.

Diagram en Prosess

Diagram en Prosess

Leksjonsplaner av Anna Warfield

Instruksjoner og prosesser er så mye lettere å forstå når de ledsages av visuelle elementer. Når vi storyboarder en prosess eller lager et sekvensielt diagram, kan vi fokusere på diskrete trinn, årsak og virkning og sekvens.


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Example of bullying prevention | Discussion of how to handle a bullying incident

Storyboard Tekst

  • Step 1
  • Date: 3/15/XXFirst: DennisLast: Menace, theIncident:
  • Step 2
  • Good afternoon, Ms. Pulaski. I'm calling to inform you of an incident that occurred today...
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • In-school Suspension Room
  • Step 5
  • March
  • Any faculty or staff who witnesses or receives a report of bullying should refer the situation to the principal by filing an incident report that day.
  • The principal or designated administrator will promptly notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of all students involved in an alleged incident of bullying and discuss, as appropriate, the availability of social work services, counseling, school psychological services, other interventions, and restorative measures.
  • The principal or designated administrator will investigate the incident and determine an outcome within ten school days of the original incident report.
  • The principal or dean will enforce disciplinary measures as appropriate.
  • Records of the incident will be placed in the students’ files until graduation or transfer. If disciplinary action is implemented, the report will remain in the student’s permanent record file.
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