Noen ganger trenger elevene å stoppe opp og lytte til hva vennene deres virkelig sier. Å være omgitt av positive mennesker kan være gunstig og motivere deg. På den annen side, hvis du er rundt negative mennesker, kan de få deg ned eller begynne å påvirke tankene dine negativt.
I denne aktiviteten vil elevene lage et storyboard som illustrerer tingene de hører fra vennene sine og hvordan det får dem til å føle seg. Disse tingene trenger ikke nødvendigvis å forholde seg til den aktuelle studenten. Forhåpentligvis vil studentene dine produsere alle positive celler fordi vi ønsker at de skal ha positive mennesker rundt seg. For de som ikke gjør det, er det viktige stykket på storyboardet deres refleksjon.
Mal og Klasse Instruksjoner
(Disse instruksjonene kan tilpasses fullstendig. Etter å ha klikket på "Kopier aktivitet", oppdater instruksjonene på Rediger-fanen i oppgaven.)
Noen ganger må vi stoppe og lytte til hva vennene våre sier rundt oss. Du lager et storyboard som representerer eksempler på det du hører daglig, positivt eller negativt.
- Klikk på "Start oppdrag".
- Lag et tradisjonelt storyboard med fire celler.
- I de tre første cellene, vis vanlige ting vennene dine sier, enten det er bra eller dårlig.
- I den siste cellen, lag en refleksjon av tankene dine om hva vennene dine sier.
- Forsikre deg om at ansiktsuttrykkene dine representerer følelsen du får når du hører disse ordene.
- Lagre og send inn oppgaven.
Leksjon Plan Reference
(Du kan også lage dine egne på Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience. | The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience. | The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished. |
First Three Cells | The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence. |
Last Cell | The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete. |
Use of Conventions | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Noen ganger trenger elevene å stoppe opp og lytte til hva vennene deres virkelig sier. Å være omgitt av positive mennesker kan være gunstig og motivere deg. På den annen side, hvis du er rundt negative mennesker, kan de få deg ned eller begynne å påvirke tankene dine negativt.
I denne aktiviteten vil elevene lage et storyboard som illustrerer tingene de hører fra vennene sine og hvordan det får dem til å føle seg. Disse tingene trenger ikke nødvendigvis å forholde seg til den aktuelle studenten. Forhåpentligvis vil studentene dine produsere alle positive celler fordi vi ønsker at de skal ha positive mennesker rundt seg. For de som ikke gjør det, er det viktige stykket på storyboardet deres refleksjon.
Mal og Klasse Instruksjoner
(Disse instruksjonene kan tilpasses fullstendig. Etter å ha klikket på "Kopier aktivitet", oppdater instruksjonene på Rediger-fanen i oppgaven.)
Noen ganger må vi stoppe og lytte til hva vennene våre sier rundt oss. Du lager et storyboard som representerer eksempler på det du hører daglig, positivt eller negativt.
- Klikk på "Start oppdrag".
- Lag et tradisjonelt storyboard med fire celler.
- I de tre første cellene, vis vanlige ting vennene dine sier, enten det er bra eller dårlig.
- I den siste cellen, lag en refleksjon av tankene dine om hva vennene dine sier.
- Forsikre deg om at ansiktsuttrykkene dine representerer følelsen du får når du hører disse ordene.
- Lagre og send inn oppgaven.
Leksjon Plan Reference
(Du kan også lage dine egne på Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience. | The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience. | The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished. |
First Three Cells | The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence. |
Last Cell | The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text. | The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete. |
Use of Conventions | There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. | There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
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StoryboardThat er et varemerke for Clever Prototypes , LLC , og registrert i US Patent and Trademark Office