Sociaal en emotioneel leren is het aanleren en ontwikkelen van de vaardigheden die nodig zijn om met grote gevoelens om te gaan, relaties aan te gaan, zelfbewustzijn te krijgen, problemen op te lossen, verantwoorde keuzes te maken en doelen te stellen. SEL richt zich ook op open communicatie en empathie. Lees meer op Storyboard That!
Students can illustrate an example of a social story as part of their Social Emotional Learning. Explore more SEL activities for elementary with Storyboard That!
Storyboard Tekst
Please Walk!Keep everyone safe!
Be Kind
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I love to run when I play outside. It makes me feel good.
Sometimes I want to run inside the school, but it is dangerous.
I want to keep myself and others safe, so I walk when I am inside.
My teacher is happy that I am walking inside of the building, and that makes me happy too.