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Macbeth Tragic Hero

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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Macbeth Tragic Hero
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Montāžas Apraksts

The Tragedy of Macbeth Tragic Hero | Macbeth's Peripeteia | Teaching the Tragic Hero Archetype

Montāžas Teksta

  • Lady Macbeth, I fear our murderous deeds.
  • The Three Witches tell Macbeth a prophecy that causes Macbeth to take matters into his hands (ambition).
  • Macbeth’s pride combines with his ambition, and that of his wife. They plot to kill the current King so that he can usurp the throne.
  • The battle is won! ALL HAIL KING MALCOLM! The tyrant and his fiend wife are dead.
  • After killing the King and numerous others, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become suspicious and paranoid.
  • Macbeth discovers that the former king's son is planning a rebellion against him.
  • In the end, the witches' final prophecy comes true and Macbeth is killed.​
  • The audience is left with the feeling of pity that Macbeth was tempted by the witches, and fear that they could also do terrible things out of ambition.
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