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TP-CASTT Annabel Lee Example

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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TP-CASTT Annabel Lee Example
Storyboard That

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Palielināt Studentu Saglabāšana, Entuziasmu un Uzticību

Kristy Littlehale Nodarbību Plāni

Kad mani bērni izmanto Storyboard That, es redzu milzīgus lēcienus viņu spējā saglabāt informāciju , viņu iesaistīšanos un entuziasmu , kā arī pārliecību .


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Montāžas Apraksts

TP-CASTT Annabel Lee Example

Montāžas Teksta

  • T- TITLE
  • S- SHIFT
  • The title sounds like it's about a man in love with a woman named Annabel Lee.
  • The beginning of the poem is compassionate, but then becomes angry and bitter. Eventually, the narrator's devoted tone returns.
  • The shift in the poem comes when the narrator begins to blame the angels for being so envious of his and Annabel Lee's love that they took her away from him.
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