Defining Vocabulary in Hatchet

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Hatchet

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Activity Overview

Using the Frayer Model is a great way for students to examine a specific vocabulary word. To start, students choose a word and put that word in the center title box.

In the upper left box, students include the definition and part of speech in the description box (I suggest having students use a dictionary, online or in print, to complete this part). Using Photos For Class, our website for safe, auto-cited Creative Commons images, students can find corresponding images to use as examples.

  • Upper left box: students write definition.
  • Upper right box: students include the sentence in which the word is found in the text and re-create the scene.
  • Lower left box: students show how the word could be used/found in a real-life example.
  • Lower right hand box: they give an example of where/how the word would NOT be used.

  • There are a number of words in Hatchet that your students may be unfamiliar with. Below is a list of suggested vocabulary words that students will come across in their reading.

    Example Hatchet Vocabulary Words

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    Template and Class Instructions

    (These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

    Student Instructions

    Create a Frayer Model for one of the vocabulary words from Hatchet.

    1. Click "Start Assignment".
    2. Choose a vocabulary word and type it into the center title box.
    3. Find the definition in a print or online dictionary and enter it into the description box under Definition.
    4. Illustrate the meaning of the word in the Definition cell using a combination of scenes, characters, and items.
      • Alternatively, use Photos for Class to show the meaning of the words with the search bar.
    5. Quote the use of the word from the book, and recreate the scene.
    6. Provide written and visual examples of the word.
    7. Provide written and visual non-examples of the word.

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