Important Figures in the American Revolution

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Events Leading Up to the American Revolution

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Activity Overview

History is the result of the contributions of many people, and this is clearly demonstrated during the American Revolution. Using a traditional storyboard, students will identify and analyze the major figures who played key roles throughout the American Revolution. Students will research their basic biographical information and what role they ultimately held. This will also highlight their significance as our nation's Founding Fathers.

This activity is flexible, and students can select 4-8 figures to create the mini biographies for. You can provide them with a list of figures to choose from and determine how many you'd like students to investigate! There is a suggested list below, but it is by no means a comprehensive collection.

Major Figures of the American Revolution

For an alternative to this activity, students can go more in depth on one or two of these figures by creating a biography poster describing the person, their ideologies, and their contributions to the Revolution. More than one template can be added to an assignment to provide students with different options, and you can adjust the instructions accordingly!

Extended Activity

Have students actively engage in a round-robin activity. Select specific figures for each student to research (3-5 for each) and have them create a storyboard on those figures. With a separate graphic organizer, have students use other students' storyboards and research to put together a larger, more comprehensive list of figures. This enables them to focus on and master 3-5 figures, but also ultimately research and look at every other figure the teacher may choose. Furthermore, it makes students responsible for ‘teaching’ the class about their figures. Students may also present their figures to the class if there is time.

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Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Create a storyboard with mini biographies for key figures in the American Revolution. Be sure to include their ideologies and actions they took.

  1. Click "Start Assignment"
  2. In each title, identify a different key figure.
  3. Describe their ideologies and actions.
  4. Create an illustration using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.

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How To Compare the Major Figures Involved in The American Revolution


Introduce Figures

Give a basic introduction to all the important figures and leaders of the American Revolution so the students have a start. Teachers can focus on significant figures such as Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Hancock.


Compare Backgrounds

Students can pick any two figures of their choice for comparison. For instance, if any student wants to compare George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, they can start by comparing their backgrounds such as where they grew up, what sort of upbringing they had, their education, family background and any other significant influence in their lives.


Discuss Motivations

Since all these figures were leading the American Revolution, they must have had a motivation or a reason to support the revolution. Students can research if these motivations were similar or different and how would the revolution impact their lives. Students can use Venn diagrams to compare these figures based on different subjects.


Compare Leadership Styles

Evaluate each figure's approach to leadership. John Adams, for instance, was renowned for his acute intellect and commitment to ideals, but George Washington was recognized for his steady and composed leadership. Students can also discuss the opinion of the general public on these leaders.


Use Engaging Activities

Have students act out these characters' viewpoints and behaviours in role-playing exercises, debates, or presentations. Students can choose one figure to represent and write a play or a script according to the roles of these characters and act it out in front of an audience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Important Figures in the American Revolution

How did George Washington contribute to the American Revolution?

During the American Revolution, George Washington served as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. In guiding the American soldiers to victory against the British, he was a key player.

Who was Thomas Jefferson and what significant role did he play in bringing about the American Revolution?

Thomas Jefferson is most remembered for authoring the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed the American colonies' independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson was also a diplomat, lawyer, architect and philosopher hence he was well-equipped with knowledge to lead the revolution.

Who was Benjamin Franklin, and what part did he play in the American Revolution?

Famous statesman, scientist, and diplomat Benjamin Franklin was one the major figures involved in bringing about the American Revolution. The Treaty of Alliance with France was one of the critical pieces of support for the American cause that he was instrumental in gaining.

More Storyboard That Activities

Events Leading Up to the American Revolution

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