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Poster di Divinità Egizie
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Il dio egizio Ra si trova di fronte a un trono.

Mitologia Egizia

Di Lauren Ayube

La mitologia egizia è la raccolta di miti dell'antico Egitto che descrivono le azioni di dei e dee come un modo per comprendere il mondo che li circonda. Gli antichi egizi credevano che la vita, la natura e la società fossero determinate dagli dei e dalle dee, e quando lasciarono la Terra, i faraoni ereditarono il diritto di governare.


Mitologia Egizia

Storyboard Descrizione

Crea un poster che evidenzi un dio o una dea egizia e tutte le storie ad essi associate!

Testo Storyboard

  • Osiris
  • Power and DomainUnderworld and the DeadResurrectionCivil LawsSymbolsGreen SkinPharaoh's BeardCrook and FlailNotable MythsSeduction by NephthysMurder in the NileResurrection
  • All About OsirisOsiris was the son of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). He inherited the throne of the pharaoh and brought law, order, and civility to the people of Egypt. He took the goddess Isis as his queen, and together the two deities brought much prosperity to the kingdom. His brother, Set, was jealous of his success on the throne and he sought to get rid of Osiris by drowning him in the Nile River, which is how the Egyptians account for the annual flooding of the Nile that occurs each year. In order to prevent Isis from working any magic to reanimate his brother, Set cut Osiris into little pieces and scattered them all over the earth.With help, Isis recovered the pieces of Osiris’ body and with a little magic, brought him back to life long enough for Isis to become pregnant with Horus. She hid Horus away from Set until he was old enough to come back and battle rightly for the throne. Horus ultimately triumphed over Set and united the Lower and Upper kingdoms of Egypt. The Egyptian pharaohs are thought to rise with Osiris after their deaths and ascend into a heavenly afterlife in Aaru.
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