Attività degli studenti per il Cay
Historical Context
The historical context of The Cay can present difficulties for young readers. It may be helpful to begin the reading unit with background on the geography and history of the novel. Curaçao is an island located off the coast of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean Sea, not far from Aruba. In the 1940s, Curaçao was a territory of the Netherlands, known for its oil refineries. When World War II began in 1939, the oil produced on Curaçao became essential to Allied operations. The U.S. and Britain, in particular, relied on these refineries. To weaken their Allied enemies, therefore, Germany began to target the refineries, torpedoing oil tankers and even attacking the refineries themselves. Curaçao itself was attacked in February of 1942. Although Phillip Enright’s story is fictional, his predicament is based on real historical events.
Learn more about WWII on Curaçao and its neighboring islands.
Essential Questions for The Cay
- How can setting affect the plot and characters of a novel?
- How can an external conflict lead to an internal conflict and vice versa?
- What types of experiences and reflections are necessary for a person to change?
- What is the symbolic meaning of Phillip’s blindness?
- In what ways does Phillip grow and change over the course of the novel?
Dai un'occhiata ad altri programmi di lezioni sulla storia e la letteratura durante la seconda guerra mondiale e l'Olocausto
- La storia dell'Olocausto
- Introduzione alla seconda guerra mondiale
- Seconda guerra mondiale: 1939-1941
- Seconda guerra mondiale: 1942-1945
- Night di Elie Wiesel
- Il diario di una giovane ragazza di Anne Frank
- Number the Stars di Lois Lowry
- Il girasole di Simon Wiesenthal
- "First They Came" di Martin Niemoller
- Lily's Crossing di Patricia Reilly Giff
- White Bird di RJ Palacio
- Once di Morris Gleitzman
- Milkweed di Jerry Spinelli
- Il ladro di libri di Markus Zusak
- Il ragazzo sulla scatola di legno di Leon Leyson
- Il ragazzo con il pigiama a righe di John Boyne
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