Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatHEROES VILLAINS TRAGIC HEROES DEFINE LIST List Heroes Define Villains Define Heroes List heroes you know from literature, TV, and movies. Using the list from above, create your own definition of this character using common attributes they possess.
Tragični junaci mogu se vidjeti na televiziji, filmu i književnosti. Ključno je definirati ovaj arhetip i razumjeti kako oni utječu na radnju. Koristeći ploče scenarija, učenici stvaraju interaktivan način za internalizaciju koncepta i izgradnju okvira za uočavanje tragičnih junaka u književnosti.