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U Restoranu

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U Restoranu
Storyboard That

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Izradite vlastiti Storyboard

Isprobajte besplatno!
Ova ploča scenarija možete pronaći u sljedećim člancima i resursima:
Aktivnost ESL Dijaloga

Kako Napisati Dijalog Između dva Lika

Planovi Lekcije Anna Warfield

Konverzacijski engleski može biti vrlo težak. Iako je poznavanje ispravne strukture rečenice i ispravne gramatike izuzetno važno, konverzacijski engleski je način na koji ćete svakodnevno komunicirati s drugim govornicima engleskog jezika.

ESL Aktivnosti

ELL Aktivnosti

Vodič za Učitelje Liane Hicks

Učitelji znaju da je važno njegovati odnose sa svojim učenicima i njegovati ljubaznu i inkluzivnu razrednu zajednicu. Učenici ELL posebno se trebaju osjećati sigurnima da je njihova učionica poticajno i sigurno okruženje u kojem mogu riskirati dok vježbaju svoj novi jezik. Uključite učenike s unaprijed napravljenim Storyboard That aktivnostima!


ELL Aktivnosti

Opis Storyboarda

Vježbajte što raditi u restoranu na svom ESL tečaju!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Ordering
  • Hello, I would like to order the steak, medium well, with a side of baked potatoes and green beans, please. Thank you!
  • I will have the spaghetti with meatballs and marinara sauce, please. I would also like the side salad with ranch dressing. Thank you!
  • Conversation
  • How do you like your food?
  • It's very good, thank you! How is yours?
  • Paying the Bill
  • No, thank you, just the check, please.
  • Can I get you anything else?
  • I'd like to pay the bill.
  • When you order your food, remember to include how you would like it cooked as well as any side dishes. Always say please and thank you.
  • Good evening!What would you like?
  • When making conversation, ask about the other person. For example, ask how they like their food or how their day was.
  • Mine is delicious!
  • They were great. It was very busy. I scored an A on my English Verbs quiz! How was your day?
  • How were your classes today?
  • It was great, I finished my video for English class!
  • When you pay the bill, one person may pay or, oftentimes, people will "split it" and pay for their own food.
  • That is kind of you to offer. But, why don't we split it?
  • If you insist!
Izrađeno više od 30 milijuna scenarija
Bez Preuzimanja, bez Kreditne Kartice i bez Prijave!
Storyboard That Obitelj