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  • Moje Ploče s Pričamačko-ponašanje/vremenska-crta

Koristite ovaj plan lekcije sa svojim razredom!

kopirajte ovu aktivnost
Pregled Aktivnosti
Predložak i Upute za Razred

Pregled Aktivnosti

Studenti trebaju prepoznati da naše riječi imaju posljedice. Kada su žrtve maltretirane, doživljavaju strah, tjeskobu i sniženo samopoštovanje. To može dovesti do toga da žrtve promijene svoje ponašanje i interese kako bi bile sigurne da su u sigurnoj situaciji. To se često završava izolacijom i gubitkom prijašnjih interesa, poput sporta, klubova, druženja. To može dovesti i do ekstremnijih ishoda. Kad se žrtve osjećaju kao da nisu prihvaćene, mogu razviti opasne navike kako bi se mogle nositi s ovim stresom. To se može očitovati kao ovisnost, poremećaj prehrane ili čak samopovređivanje.

U ovoj aktivnosti učenici će kreirati vremensku traku žrtve nasilja. Aktivnosti poput prikazanih mogu pomoći učenicima da vizualiziraju utjecaj svojih riječi pomažući im da razmišljaju prije nego što govore. Cilj ove aktivnosti je spriječiti nasilje. Nakon što učenici završe svoj rad, razgovarajte o tome kako dugoročni učinak može ostati u odrasloj dobi.

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Upute za studente

Kreirajte ploču s knjigama koja će pokazati kratkoročno i dugoročno utjecaj žrtve nasilja.

  1. Kliknite "Start Assignment".
  2. Napravite vremensku traku s tri ćelije s datumima.
  3. U prvoj ćeliji stvorite primjer maltretiranja.
  4. U drugoj ćeliji stvorite sliku kako je to kratkoročno utjecalo na žrtvu.
  5. U trećoj ćeliji stvorite sliku kako je to dugoročno utjecalo na žrtvu.
  6. Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.

Referentni Plan Lekcije


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Timeline of a Victim
Students will be create a storyboard timeline showing the effects of bullying long/short term.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates.
The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included two of the three cells with titles and dates.
The student was unable to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates or the storyboard is unfinished.
Bullying Incident
The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cell depicted a realistic and appropriate story that included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the bullying incident was not labeled, the story's bullying scene, character(s), and text were inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Short-Term Effect
The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic short-term outcome that included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying.
The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the short-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Long-Term Effect
The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic long-term outcome included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying.
The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the long-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Cijene za Škole i Okruge

Ograničeno Vrijeme

Ponuda za Uvodnu Školu
  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelja za jednu godinu
  • 1 sat virtualne PD

30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca • Samo novi kupci • Puna cijena nakon uvodne ponude • Pristup je za 1 kalendarsku godinu

*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)čko-ponašanje/vremenska-crta
© 2024 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a