Pregled Aktivnosti
Predložak i Upute za Razred
Pregled Aktivnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Ponekad se studenti trebaju zaustaviti i slušati što njihovi prijatelji zapravo govore. Biti okružen pozitivnim ljudima može vam biti od koristi i motivirati vas. S druge strane, ako se nalazite oko negativnih ljudi, oni bi vas mogli srušiti ili početi negativno utjecati na vaše misli.

U ovoj će aktivnosti učenici stvoriti ploču s knjigama koja će ilustrirati ono što čuju od svojih prijatelja i kako ih to osjeća. Ove se stvari ne moraju nužno odnositi na predmetnog učenika. Nadam se da će vaši učenici proizvesti sve pozitivne ćelije jer želimo da oni imaju pozitivne ljude oko sebe. Za one koji to ne čine, važan je dio njihove ploče s pričama njihov odraz.

Predložak i Upute za Razred Accordion Arrow

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Upute za studente

Ponekad se moramo zaustaviti i osluškivati što naši prijatelji govore oko nas. Napravit ćete storyboard koji će predstavljati primjere onoga što svakodnevno čujete, pozitivno ili negativno.

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Napravite tradicionalnu ploču priče s četiri ćelije.
  3. U prve tri ćelije pokažite uobičajene stvari koje vaši prijatelji kažu, bilo dobre ili loše.
  4. U posljednjoj ćeliji stvorite odraz svojih misli o tome što kažu vaši prijatelji.
  5. Osigurajte da vam izrazi lica predstavljaju osjećaj koji steknete kad čujete ove riječi.
  6. Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.

Referentni Plan Lekcije

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

The Crowd You're Around
Students will be create a storyboard depicting the people they surround themselves with.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished.
First Three Cells
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence.
Last Cell
The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Ponekad se studenti trebaju zaustaviti i slušati što njihovi prijatelji zapravo govore. Biti okružen pozitivnim ljudima može vam biti od koristi i motivirati vas. S druge strane, ako se nalazite oko negativnih ljudi, oni bi vas mogli srušiti ili početi negativno utjecati na vaše misli.

U ovoj će aktivnosti učenici stvoriti ploču s knjigama koja će ilustrirati ono što čuju od svojih prijatelja i kako ih to osjeća. Ove se stvari ne moraju nužno odnositi na predmetnog učenika. Nadam se da će vaši učenici proizvesti sve pozitivne ćelije jer želimo da oni imaju pozitivne ljude oko sebe. Za one koji to ne čine, važan je dio njihove ploče s pričama njihov odraz.

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Upute za studente

Ponekad se moramo zaustaviti i osluškivati što naši prijatelji govore oko nas. Napravit ćete storyboard koji će predstavljati primjere onoga što svakodnevno čujete, pozitivno ili negativno.

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Napravite tradicionalnu ploču priče s četiri ćelije.
  3. U prve tri ćelije pokažite uobičajene stvari koje vaši prijatelji kažu, bilo dobre ili loše.
  4. U posljednjoj ćeliji stvorite odraz svojih misli o tome što kažu vaši prijatelji.
  5. Osigurajte da vam izrazi lica predstavljaju osjećaj koji steknete kad čujete ove riječi.
  6. Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.

Referentni Plan Lekcije


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

The Crowd You're Around
Students will be create a storyboard depicting the people they surround themselves with.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished.
First Three Cells
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence.
Last Cell
The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Učitelji i učenici nas vole

Ponuda za Uvodnu Školu

SAMO 500 dolara

  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelja za jednu godinu
  • 1 sat virtualne PD
30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca • Samo novi kupci • Puna cijena nakon uvodne ponude • Pristup je za 1 kalendarsku godinu
*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)čko-ponašanje/tko-su-tvoji-prijatelji
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a