ללמד את התלמידים כיצד לרצף היא מיומנות חיונית בחינוך. ההתמקדות בלימוד כיצד לעשות זאת נלמדת בדרך כלל בכיתות נמוכות ובכיתות רבות של חינוך מיוחד בכל הכיתות. Storyboard That שמקל על הרצף!
Create a visual BME plot diagram to summarize Charlotte's Web! Have students create their own or provide them with guiding templates.
טקסט Storyboard
But it's unfair! The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been born very small at birth, would you have killed me?
Fern, I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you. A weakling makes trouble.
Fern saves Wilbur's life by begging her father to spare him despite his size.
Well I don't like to spread bad news, but they're fattening you up because they're going to kill you. That's why.
Wilbur is sold to Mr. Zuckerman and begins to make friends in his new home.
Wilbur learns his fate from the old sheep.
I don't want to die! Save me, somebody! Save me!
Charlotte comes up with a plan to save Wilbur’s life. People come from miles around to see the terrific pig!
Can I take this to mean that you have definitely decided to live here in the barn cellar and that I am going to have three friends?
Mr. Zuckerman enters Wilbur into the State Fair competition. He wins the top prize. Now he will not be slaughtered!
Charlotte dies at the fair, but Wilbur and Templeton save her eggs and bring them back to the farm. Three of Charlotte's daughters decide to stay in the barn and befriend Wilbur.