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REDress Day Canada

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REDress Day Canada
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Une police montée monte un cheval brun. Il porte une chemise rouge et un chapeau.

Histoire canadienne : 1784-1896

Par Liane Hicks

Le Canada a connu une période de grands changements au XIXe siècle. Sa population a considérablement augmenté en raison des immigrants des États-Unis et de l'étranger. Engagez et éduquez les étudiants avec Storyboard That activités préfabriquées!


Histoire canadienne 1784-1896

Storyboard Description

La journée REDress, également connue sous le nom de Journée nationale de sensibilisation aux femmes, filles et 2 esprits autochtones disparues et assassinées, vise à sensibiliser à la violence contre les femmes, les filles et les 2 esprits autochtones.

Texte du Storyboard

  • HOW do people observe?
  • WHAT is REDress Day?
  • WHEN is it observed?
  • MAY
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Those who observe wear red in honor of MMIWG2S people, and often there are candle vigils for the lives that were lost. The red hand print is also a symbol used across North America to represent silenced voices.
  • REDress day is observed on May 5, which is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 spirit people (MMIWG2S). It was started in 2010 by Metis Artist Jamie Black.
  • REDress Day is observed on May 5th.
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  • WHY is it a holiday?
  • National Day of Awareness for MMIWG2S
  • WHERE is it observed?
  • Indigenous women, girls, and 2 spirit people are at the highest risk for violence across Canada, and make up high percentage of missing people, trafficking, or homicides.
  • REDress day is observed across Canada, and the National Awareness for MMIWG2S Is observed across the entirety of North America.
  • Attributions D'image:313662 ( - PublicDomainPictures - Licence: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed

Attributions D'image

  • 313662 - PublicDomainPictures - (Licence Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed )
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