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Luuletaja X Sõnavara

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Luuletaja X Sõnavara
Storyboard That

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Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Elizabeth Acevedo Luuletaja X Kokkuvõte ja Tegevused

Elizabeth Acevedo luuletaja X

Liane Hicksi Tunniplaanid

Luuletaja X on realistlik ilukirjanduslik romaan, mis on kirjutatud värssides. See räägib 15-aastasest Xiomara Batistast, andekast poeedist, kes elab oma perega Harlemis, NY. Romaan on Xiomara vaatevinklist ja loeb nagu tema isiklik luulepäevik, mis kirjeldab tema elu, vaateid religioonile, pidevat seksismiga silmitsi seismist, tema rangeid dominiiklastest vanemaid, uut keelatud poiss-sõpra ja noore naisena maailmas navigeerimist. värv püüab oma häält leida.


Luuletaja X

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Õpilased saavad illustreerida ja defineerida uut sõnavara Elizabeth Acevedo teosest The Poet X

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • “Of your own volition you will accept him into your lives. You will be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. And this is a serious matter.”
  • (n.) Confirmation is a sacrament in which a person is admitted to full participation in the church, usually around the age of 12-14.
  • (n.) small porch or set of steps at the front entrance of a house or apartment building.
  • The Nuyorican Poet's Cafe is where Xiomara competes in the slam competition at the end of the novel. It is a real place in New York City, founded in 1973 by Puerto Rican poet Miguel Algarin. It has been a place for poets and artists of all races, cultures, and backgrounds to share their work ever since! Allen Ginsberg is quoted as saying the Cafe is "the most integrated place on the planet."
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