Seoses sotsiaalmeedia levikuga viimastel aastakümnetel on pedagoogid näinud kooliealiste noorte seas nii küberkiusamise kui ka traditsioonilise kiusamise sagenemist. Esimene samm muutuste saavutamiseks on haridus. Õppejõude, töötajaid, lapsevanemaid ja üliõpilasi tuleb koolitada kiusamise tuvastamiseks, sellele reageerimiseks ja ennetamiseks.
Juhised ja protsessid on visuaaliga palju lihtsamini mõistetavad. Kui loome protsessi süžeeskeemi või loome järjestikuse diagrammi, saame keskenduda diskreetsetele sammudele, põhjustele ja tagajärgedele ning järjestusele.
Good afternoon, Ms. Pulaski. I'm calling to inform you of an incident that occurred today...
Step 3
Step 4
In-school Suspension Room
Step 5
Any faculty or staff who witnesses or receives a report of bullying should refer the situation to the principal by filing an incident report that day.
The principal or designated administrator will promptly notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of all students involved in an alleged incident of bullying and discuss, as appropriate, the availability of social work services, counseling, school psychological services, other interventions, and restorative measures.
The principal or designated administrator will investigate the incident and determine an outcome within ten school days of the original incident report.
The principal or dean will enforce disciplinary measures as appropriate.
Records of the incident will be placed in the students’ files until graduation or transfer. If disciplinary action is implemented, the report will remain in the student’s permanent record file.
Loodud üle 30 miljoni süžeeskeemi
Proovimiseks Pole Vaja Allalaadimist, Krediitkaarti ega Sisselogimist!